Now You Are Sick, Did You Eat Right?

By stbrians | Churning Poetry | 10 Dec 2022

Not you are sick.
You didn't eat right.
Junk food prick.
They are the cause of our plight.
Our lifestyle stink.
I hate them alright.
Why go for junk?
When good food is in sight.

It is a matter of choice.
What do you choose between junk and nutrition.
We have paid a high price.
We made wrong choice by intuition.
French fries are on the rise.
Fruits are no longer fruitation.
Why go for junk?
When good food is in sight.

Sickness has been made.
It be no longer a mistake.
We have left food grade.
And a useless take.
Cancers with life do trade.
Ulcers on pans do bake.
Why go for junk?
When good food is in sight.

I end on a sad note.
Take your life seriously.
Nutrients in food do sought.
Avoid eating carelessly.
Junk on tables be nought.
Do not take life hopelessly.
Why go for junk?
When good food is in sight.

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stbrians Verified Member

Am in the world yet am not of this world.

Churning Poetry
Churning Poetry

Poetry is the spice of the soul. A poet is an emotional person. He creates love, hate, worry etc. A poet is a mind reader. He knows your thoughts.

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