Creating Bitcoin Gold Wallet in 2020

By ChangeNOW | ChangeNOW Crypto Blog | 30 Jan 2020

We all know how difficult it is to find the Bitcoin Gold wallet among the universe of wallet options. We all know how difficult it is to choose the best Bitcoin Gold mining wallet between those alluring options. ChangeNow created this guide especially for you to recognize, what wallets will support Bitcoin Gold and provide you with fascinating opportunities.

Creating Bitcoin Gold Wallet in 2020


Bitcoin Gold Wallet by Atomic Wallet

Atomic Wallet is another multicurrency application supporting BTG. It is working both on iOs and Android platforms. Many Atomic Wallet products are leaders in popularity among GooglePlay users. The Atomic Wallet team uses innovative approachуы and the latest developments to ensure multitasking key storage. This is ensured through the use of multi-level security systems, which are the most effective practice implemented in the work of large corporations in the financial sector. This technique allows the Atomic Wallet project to achieve a level of security similar to a system in the banking sector.

Creating Bitcoin Gold Wallet in 2020

Coinomi Wallet Bitcoin Gold

Another popular Bitcoin Gold Web wallet is Coinomi. It was designed exclusively for mobile devices running on Android and iOS. 

Coinomi wallet supports the storage of 125 cryptocurrencies and 382 tokens, including the ERC 20 standard.

Creating Bitcoin Gold Wallet in 2020

Guarda Wallet 

Guarda is available on different platforms and allows you to store almost any popular cryptocurrency. The wallet’s capabilities are very extensive, it supports more than 10,000 different cryptocurrencies, including the well-known BTC, ETH, LTC, ADA, DASH, XMR, XEM, XRP, as well as little-known ERC-20 tokens.

The web version of the wallet allows you to access your cryptocurrency from any modern browser, the site looks nice and made quite conveniently. The Guarda Wallet wallet is created in a minute, you just need to think up a password, after which you will need to save the file in .txt format for the wallet backup.

Creating Bitcoin Gold Wallet in 2020

Hardware Wallet for Bitcoin Gold

If you are looking for the Bitcoin Gold wallet without syncing, Bitcoin Gold Wallet Trezor is for you. It allows storing, receiving, sending and exchanging Bitcoin Gold with the help of a device resembling a memory card. 

Trezor is a wallet for secure transactions in cryptocurrencies. He was a pioneer in cold storage and for many has become the standard of security for storage and operations with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Another option for those concerned with the offline reliability is Bitcoin Gold Wallet Generator, the work of which is based on the code generation and saving it in the paper format.

Creating Bitcoin Gold Wallet in 2020

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