Nightly v1.31.18 Released! Brave VPN For Desktop? - BRAVE NIGHTLY COMMIT UPDATE

Greetings Devs, Bloggers, and Crypto enthusiasts!

Today, I'll be briefly covering the latest update to Brave Nightly v.1.31.18, or commit code f248ade.


As we speak, Nightly 1.31.19, or commit code a2befb8, is underway as well, with no download available as of yet.


Now, if you're anything like me and have time to fire up a virtual machine and test it, they didn't label the features. I'll be going over any visual ones or new ones put inside the brave://flags menu from a VM (virtual machine) in this article!

Well, Upon some digging into the flags area, apparently Brave 1.31.10 has a setting in it's flags to enable a Brave VPN native to Windows, Linux and Mac OS!


Very Nice! Let's test it, shall we? Without further ado.


Well the UI looks pretty nice. Does it work? I apparently cannot change the region in it from Japan. Very Interesting. Additionally, the gear icon appears to be just for show (for now one would assume).


It does not! As it showed my host IP. I'm not sure what I expected. But nothing else appears to be new with this commit. However, we did get to test some interesting features upcoming.

To summarize, Brave Nightly has several new commits, and a Brave VPN support flag in Windows that doesn't work (yet).

Larga vida al BAT!
See you in the next article!

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Dev, Gamer, Crypto-Enthusiast. Puts the "git" in "git gud". Check out my github!

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