How to Enable Brave VPN on PC! (And other hidden settings!) - BRAVE NIGHTLY UPDATE

Greetings Devs, Bloggers, and Crypto enthusiasts!

Today, I'll be briefly covering some experimental flags in Brave Browser Nightly. In my previous post, I detailed how Brave was adding VPN to Android mobiles. It seems my prognosis of it coming to PC faster than expected was seemingly more correct than I had initially anticipated. 

I'll be going over the steps to activate it on PC. Firstly, you'll want to open brave://flags on your Browser, and search for "VPN" in the search bar.


Secondly, set the drop-down ticker switch to "Enabled".


Next, you'll see a new button at the bottom of the window you have open, Click "Relaunch".


After your browser opens, you will see a new icon next to your extensions at the top-right side of the window.


Which, should look something like these. Click on "Buy", albeit it won't have you buy anything.


You'll see this prompt asking for email, go ahead and do so if yo desire...


and you'll end up at this window after confirmation from the email Brave sends you. Seemingly, this page is built on BAT, as well. Thus possibly making it one of the first Crypto-Powered VPN's to grace us as an in-built feature.


Also, looking through these "Flags", you may notice a Dark Theme option... but I'll save that for the next article! 

In summarization, over the past few months, Brave Software has been adding a plethora of new features for privacy in the modern web.

Larga vida al BAT!
See you in the next article.

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Dev, Gamer, Crypto-Enthusiast. Puts the "git" in "git gud". Check out my github!

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