Alien Worlds - How to Fix Setbag Error
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In Alien Worlds, there is a common error called the "setbag error." that affects most new people atleast once. In this tutorial you will learn how to fix it.
Fixing The Error:
The Setbag Error is pretty easy to fix. If your a new account, you just need to go to bloks and set your bag from there. If you have multiple items it'll take a minute or two more but pretty easy. Follow the instructions below.
1. Go to this link.
2. Put in your WAX username in the account data section.
3. Find your item IDs that you want to set your bag to. Going to your WAX wallet, then clicking on "NFTs" then click on the NFT you want to equip. You'll then see the NFT ID that you will use in the next step. Get all the other IDs of the NFTs you want to equip.
4. Type ["itemid","itemid","itemid"] replacing the words itemid with the NFT ID.
5. Remove any extra itemids.
6. Click "Submit Transaction"
7. Refresh Alien Worlds Page
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