Bounty0x Tutorial (Part II) Who are the Bounty Hunters? 15 ways to get rewards

By BtcSapiens | btcsapiens | 21 May 2019


Today we continue with the second part of the Tutorial of Bounty0x, you can see the first part here, which consisted of a small introduction to the platform, but today we will focus exclusively on the bounty hunters and how to benefit from belonging to Bounty0x as Bounty Hunter.

What is a Bounty Hunter?

It is a user of Bounty0x who can complete some types of online task in exchange for a payment in cryptocurrency.

How can I earn cryptocurrencies in Bounty0x?

There are two types of tasks, one in which it is not necessary to complete any verification process and in which we can participate only by being registered in Bounty0x, and on the other hand, other types of tasks in which we must complete a process called "KYC verification ", where we have to put some data to prove that we are real people, such as our identification number, name, etc ...

Here you can see a small list with some of the tasks that you can see, to help you understand the type of task that you will find in Bounty0x, although they are only by way of example, below you can see 15 ways to earn bounties in this excellent platform:

1. Make retweets to promote brands, projects, etc ...

2. Follow a project or brand on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube...

3. Make an article (post) talking about a specific brand

4. Prepare a promotional video about a brand.

5. Attract people to the corporate telegram group of a project or brand.

6. Download mobile applications from brands.

7. Make infographic designs for different brands and projects.

8. Participate in brand Telegram channels.

9. Attract other people to Telegram groups of such brands and projects

10. Create unique memes and .gifs for different groups or projects

11. Write opinions about cryptographic projects in Reddit

12. Register in some websites of different brands and companies.

13. Subscribe to newsletters of some ICOs and crypto projects.

14. Translate texts for companies and brands.

15. Make reviews about crypto products and services that solicit companies.


What currencies can I get?

It depends on each task, normally it is the same currency as the project that you are going to promote, it can be any cryptocurrency or token, and in the description of each task you can see what coins you will get for carrying out the task, the usual thing is that they pay you with the same crypto project currency (if they have their own cryptocurrency) or with some ERC20 Tokens, so it is convenient to have a compatible Ethereum wallet.


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