Purple Pilled

PURPLE PILLED! Orange BTC Pill + Blue ETH Pill = Purple MYFI Pill?

Stumbled on to this Botanix Labs Coindesk Post ,

describing the #Botanix EVM operating on their #SpiderChain L2 "Synth BTC" Blockchain,


pegged 'one for one', to the real L1 BTC Blockchain.


VERY Interesting. Forbes post here circa Aug 13th 2024


Which begs the BIG 'Future of CRYPTO' question:


What Happens when you blend your orange #BTC pill with a blue #ETH pill?


Does it create a #PURPLE 'MYFI' pill of a new and WAY Bigger joint distributed prosperity for all (sans Banks)


because the liqudity pool of #EVM #SmartContracts just got 10X bigger for DEFI?


More than likely.


Checkout Spiderchain Layer 2 EVM on Bitcoin, apparently you can cut and paste a Smart Contract from ETH into the Botanix Spiderchain EVM and you are off to the races... 


Really  this got me singin'   Happy Days are Here Again 


Because of 


ETH SC or Dapps Cut N Paste to EVMs hosted on BTC L2 Botanix SpiderChain





60,000 ft view How does the Spiderchain L2 BTC Blockchain work?


--> Multisig key generated every BTC block with 'synth BTC' L2 pegged 1:1 to run the Orchestration PoS consensus nodes of the SpiderChain hosting the Botanix EVM.,


or something like that ;)


Go here for the details


Imo Botanix Labs Spiderchain has got 'good long distance legs'


The Deep dive Video explanation by the ETH Centric Co-founder Alisia Painter is here


Worth a look


TK over and out!

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Breaking the Small Wind Mold- Darwind5 Circa 2012
Breaking the Small Wind Mold- Darwind5 Circa 2012

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