FastForward 2027 Crypto Market Forecast Outcomes to 2025

Fastforward 2022 5 year Crypto predictions to 2025 to 3 year 2025 AI determined outcomes? Hmm..,

Paraphrased, now that the FIAT powered US Republic has falled as forecasted in October of 2012

The 12 year old post above from New Jersey Radio 101.5 is even more prophetic.

Bitcoin will factor into the US 2024 outcome, provided the AI powered Democracy and CGI does not prevail. 

It's been two years since I posted this  review of the CoinTelegraph prediction  and my own 5 Year outlook of where crypto was going in August 2022, where all five points are right on and the market is moving twice as fast to see these outcomes really arrive in 2025.

AI FFWD Button has been Hit, so Forecasts made in 2022 for 2027 are being brough more current in 2025, me thinks.

Everyday, crypto forecasted outcomes continue to morph,

into different manifestations of new value,

both good, bad and indifferent and

at an alarmingly quicker rate powered by AI Assisted Software Tool Development breakthroughs like MS CoPilot and Cursor.

These MS CoPilot and Cursor  AI assisted software development coding breakthroughs are coming in such number and rate, that no one human can really stay on top of let alone comprehend,

making it a HUGE challenge for even for large companies with big Software development staff to stay current, let alone implement,  to help them gain a competitive advantage.

Those firms in the business of developing AI Software powered Business and Operations solutions for Large Enterprise Customers are likely a few of the companies that actually stand a chance of taking advantage of this massive AI disruption, now permeating Humanity on this planet we call home and Earth.

That said,


It Really is time to for the crypto development community as a whole,

to re-group and,

reflect on what rally matters,


which is the continued development of mankind's well being and the prosperity that under pins such a notion and

then focus on what really matters in crypto,

which imo, means building  Distributed value add projects which by ensuring widespread propsperity among us humans which will in fact,

also advance peace and humanity on this earth, where in the US



and is probably the last place on earth in the WEST,


where most all of us westerners might be able to prosper,  given our own efforts and good intentions.


The US Consitution and Bill of Rights enshrines  US citizen rights and freedom to ensure each of their citizens are  equitably rewarded for our contributions to these noble causes. (largely governed by the golden rule, non?)

Going back to my 2022 forecast for crypto

The Big Missing part of the original CoinTelegraph Forecast from August 2022 really was: 

How AI Assisted Search and Software Code Generation introduced in a big way 1 year later by MS and OpenAI and other VC projects such as Cursor have in reality since October 2023 really accelerated market outcomes to quickly.


My observation is IT and Crypto Tech People are becoming much faster learners and are now better technically educated with AI's assistance in these areas.


The Surge in AI uses by developers to assist IT and Crypto Project Software Development is really another


HUGE, EPIC  Pandora's Jar Moment,


akin to the Emergence of the Intenet in the late 1990s.


However the surge in AI use for other nefarious purposes to mine data and relocate dead people on to 'other' state voters list is not one of them. 


Nor is using AI to generated voting agent swarms to influence comment counts for specific influencer posts one way or another.


PANDORA's Second JAR is now OPEN, its called AI. 


This New Pandora's Jar (not 'box' , just look up the old folklore..)  now being opened by the rapid adoption of AI Assisted Sofware Development Tools like MS CoPilot and Cursor will imo create many unintended conseuqences,

both good and bad,

which will rapidly deliver new online capabilities available to most of humanity , controlled by just a few people, which will affect most all of us much faster than we could have ever anticipated.


VC fund AI Blindly thinking it will fix everything, sort of 

Frankly even the VCs BIG and small know not what they have really done,

except as is every VC's 'raison d'etre', which is disrupt the market place once again,

which is really fund multiple AI disruptions which collectively now have Cosmic Impact proportions which will HUGELY affect everything humanity touches in both good and bad ways, so these VCs make more Money, nothing else matters.


US 2024 Election, the world's Pivotal moment.


Unlike the 20212 Election which was a repeat Nothing Burger in Retrospect, where all bad war actions were repeated


The US Election 2024 is a  Voter Gambit:


"NPC 'Woke' versus  'The Awakened'? "


While the tide has shifted against the current Biden/Harris camp still


The numbers are not in the favor of 'The Awakened'


Right now, imo 


The US Representative Republic at  HUGE Risk, because of left leaning Democracy intrusions, powered by AI.


Were these intrusions more than partly facilitated by AI? Yup.


Dead Person voting list mining and relocation of votes in favor of Democrat party outcomes exist, by the Millions, via early voter registration. 


AI is in the hands of political maestros looking to be our masters, forever and AI Assisted Data Mininf has sped the abilioty of thier Data Scientist gurus to do the above and more.


If this happens in 2024, where the AI powere Democtactic forces in the US take the reigns of power in 2025, then the crypto world's future will be completely re-written to ensure all crypto projects are government centralized, full stop.

That is, IF and its a BIG IF,  the Democrats somehow win the US Election in 2024,

despite the Unity Movement odds stacked against them,


All bets are off for Crypto Forecasts in 2025 if AI powered Democracy takes over

Which means for Crypto Investors ALL bets are off as to what the future of crypto will look like imo.

Comparing the two systems many Americans see as the same political class, there are in fact stark differences, if the Consitutiton is actually followed by the courts.

Take a look at the differences according to what Brave BBroser AI Assisted Search coughs up...

The short summary? A Rep. Republic gurantees indidivual rights, and Rep. Democracy not so much.

Comparing Representative Republics and Representative Democracies

Based on the provided search results, here’s a concise and accurate comparison:

Key differences:

  1. Limits on Government Power: A representative republic places strict limits on government power through a constitution, protecting individual rights and preventing the majority from abusing minority rights. In contrast, a representative democracy may not have such explicit limits, leaving more room for majority rule.
  2. Role of Representation: Both systems feature elected representatives, but in a representative republic, these representatives are bound by a constitution to protect individual rights and act in the best interests of the people. In a representative democracy, representatives may have more flexibility to make decisions based on popular opinion, without explicit constitutional constraints.
  3. Protection of Minority Rights: Representative republics prioritize the protection of minority rights through constitutional safeguards, ensuring that individual liberties are preserved even if the majority disagrees. Representative democracies may not have such explicit protections, leaving minority rights more vulnerable to erosion.
  4. Systematic Checks and Balances: Representative republics often incorporate systematic checks and balances between branches of government, such as separation of powers, to prevent any one branch from dominating the others. Representative democracies may not have such institutionalized checks and balances.

Shared characteristics:

  1. Electoral System: Both representative republics and representative democracies use an electoral system where citizens vote for representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
  2. Representative Governance: Both systems feature representative governance, where elected officials act on behalf of the people.

In summary, while both representative republics and representative democracies involve elected representatives and popular sovereignty, the key differences lie in the limits placed on government power, the role of representation, protection of minority rights, and the presence of systematic checks and balances. Representative republics prioritize constitutional protections and institutional safeguards, whereas representative democracies may rely more heavily on popular opinion and majority rule.

Follow up

🌐 What is the difference between a republic and a representative democracy? - Quora 🌐 Republic vs. Democracy: What Is the Difference? 🌐 Democracy vs Republic - Difference and Comparison | Diffen 🌐 Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? | Merriam-Webster 🌐 By definition, a republic is a representative form of government ... 🌐 Democracy vs. Republi


What to do in face of the coming AI Tsunami Powered  Big Crony Government Control?

My advice?

Cryptonauts keep your head on a swivel, and

please do try to make the transition to EQuinauts for your children and grandchildren, and


, doing simple stuff like reading what matters in AI always using the filter of prospertity for all of humanity,  


so as to protect your own health and safety and those of your loved ones


In building AI projects which have a Human Leash on them that abides the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.


be safe out there.


My self being a Canuck, well we are screwed either way.


TK over and out

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Thunderbolt Kid Observations Report: I educate, offer tips, forecasts re: tech & people drivers "under the hood" in the cryptosphere. Digital Interstate IBCs, Autonomi Fan TKO Fans can also send SOL to my Solcial Wallet here 5cfZuDrQj4ojWs9uorwig7jAX93

Breaking the Small Wind Mold- Darwind5 Circa 2012
Breaking the Small Wind Mold- Darwind5 Circa 2012

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