Top Up, Swipe, Repeat: Spend Crypto Worldwide with Mastercard’s New Partner, Mercuryo!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 7 Sep 2024

Mastercard just launched a crypto debit card in Europe in partnership with Mercuryo to bring decentralized assets to more than 100 million users worldwide. Users can use this debit crypto card in a non custodial wallet and spend their crypto more affordable, direct in places where Mastercard is accepted in the world.

To make that possible, Mercuryo have partnered with more than 200 apps to connect the cards to crypto storages. Non custodial Storage such as Metamask, Bitget, Bybit and more will make possible users to top up their crypto debit cards and spend it accordingly. This means spending crypto become more easily and fast but also means that traditional finances is getting deeper in the decentralized ecosystem.

To understand how this work, let's give a small example., a user A have a crypto wallet and want to use the Mastercard powered by Mercuryo, they just need to choose when want to spend their crypto to send it to the card but first must order the card. According to the Mercuryo platform the fee to issue the card is around one Euro and few cents and all operation happen in at least a week, to link the card and start using it ASAP.

When users use the card the Mercuryo charge their fees and there's also a monthly payment to maintain the service up and running.

All the info can be found on the Mercuryo platform and will enable users to spend their crypto in a non custodial wallet more affordable than ever. So, if you are in Europe and want to use the debit credit card hurry up to their platform to order it and enjoy your Mastercard. Remember:


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