Stage 19 and Still Grinding: Denet Storage, the Airdrop King in Waiting!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 12 Jan 2025

Stage 19, 5M Denet Storage points and below 20,000 rank! That are my status on Denet Storage and I keep going after all, this project can actually reward users with Denet Storage tokens in future.

Denet Storage is a decentralized storage service that allows users to protect their private data while monetizing their smartphone. It works pretty cool and users need to collect Watcher Node points every 6 hours.

So I have been active on this project and I am in more than half way to reach its maximum stage that is 30. Today I earn daily 186,000 Watcher Node points and soon enough I will lock on 20 stage and from there the sky is the limit. Don't sleep on this and start collecting this free points that can grant you an Airdrop of Denet Storage tokens in future. Remember:

Don't sleep on Denet Storage and keep tuned for more CONTENT.

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