Maxis Call It 'bcash,' But We Call It the Future of DeFi!

By alberdioni8406 | Barraca Crypto | 3 Dec 2024

I love to browse the X app and read lots of posts from Bitcoin people. Most of them, until today, call Bitcoin Cash "bcash" and other pejorative names. I know that everyone should have their preferred currency, but why this vendetta against Bitcoin Cash?

I also know that Maxi people love to argue with Bitcoin Cash supporters, claiming that Bitcoin Core is the one and only. But is that true, and does it align with the Bitcoin whitepaper? Well, I don’t care about that; I prefer to stick with what is functional for me.

**Juan still on 2017, who gonna tell him that the market evolved since then?!

Bitcoin Cash is what Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned for the world, even if people don’t agree. I also prefer not to engage in debates about this, as the market has plenty of space for all of us. So, why keep trying to prove that Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin? For what purpose? If it can still be used as cash in a peer-to-peer electronic system, it maintains the originality of the coin "dreamed" by Satoshi!

Another thing I love about Bitcoin Cash is that, no matter what, developers in the space keep improving themselves and bringing out the best of the chain! They work tirelessly to deliver network improvements and make it more accessible for everyone. The upgrade on May 15, 2023, was a significant milestone for the chain, enabling CASHTOKENS. Cashtokens are the cornerstone of Bitcoin Cash, being one of the most powerful technologies in DeFi yet still a "secret" to much of the cryptocurrency industry.

Bitcoin Cash isn’t just a payment solution anymore; it’s also a smart contract machine, allowing people and businesses to run their own products and benefit from extremely low fees, all on-chain and at lightning speed. Imagine the world of ETH-based decentralized finance, but on Bitcoin—yes, that’s CASHTOKENS!

While others continue to see Bitcoin Cash as "bcash," the Bitcoin Cash community is soaring higher, creating useful tools and virtual machines to help people monetize their time online with fungible and non-fungible tokens. Bitcoin is the future of DeFi, and the world needs to learn about that. By the time they do, the ecosystem will have evolved even further, enabling CASHTOKENS to grow beyond our imaginations. So, why keep debating which is better when we can simply choose the functional Bitcoin that aligns with the whitepaper?

Wishing you a great week ahead! Don’t forget to share, tip, and comment on this article so we can discuss and collaborate on ideas to build a better world. Below are my Bitcoin Cash and CASHTOKENS addresses—consider supporting my journey as a creator. Take care!

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