Quick headlines of all the news you may have missed this week...

By CryptoTapas.com | Bitcoinz News | 31 May 2020

This was an explosive week for blockchain and Crypto.

Here are the news that you may have missed, with source links:

Bitwage brings 401(k) to the Bitcoin: People may be able to invest in cryptocurrencies through their 401(k) soon.

Samsung integrates Gemini crypto exchange:  You can check your wallet balance and trade directly from your Samsung wallet, thanks to their partnership with Gemini crypto exchange.

Coinbase acquires Tagomi: Institutional grade crypto trading will soon be on Coinbase, thanks to their acquisition of Tagomi.

VeChain partners with Bayer China: VeChain partnered with Bayer China to help with tracing of clinical trial results

Brave introduces browser video calls: Brave has introduced in-browser end-to-end encrypted video calls and surprised Zoom which was planning to bring such feature in future.

Facebook rebrands Calibra to Novi:  Facebook is trying its hard to make people forget about all the trouble Calibra (Company behind Libra crypto) faced with governments, it is not changing its name to Novi.

Digital Dollar Project released Whitepaper:  The Digital Dollar Project has released the Whitepaper this week.

Exciting times in the blockchain and crypto space.  We hope to bring more exciting news and updates - do not forget to follow us.




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