Brave should introduce CLOUD STORAGE services in the light of Google deleting user's videos from Google Drive

By | Bitcoinz News | 31 May 2020

I was really concerned to see this news that shows that Google is deleting the files from users personal google cloud drive.  This is definitely getting to a point of hunger for total control of voices. 

The question raised on Google's official page has been deflected.

In the times like these, I would love to see a company like Brave to introduce cloud storage services that can be paid with BAT or BTC or Fiat.  We need to bring the 'freedom of speech' and the right to have your own opinion instead of becoming sheeple who simply nod, it is important to have alternatives.

Anyone think that this is a good idea?  

Recently, YouTube (owned by Google) started banning any video that expressed an alternative view on the COVID and what's going on in the world.  Something fishy is taking place in the world and the more people are allowed to express their views the better instead of following a rhetoric that could be utterly 'propaganda' driven.

Anyone else feel like our 'freedom to express' has been under threat?

Your views are welcome!


For those interested in the news about google deleting file from google drive: here it is.

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