Bitcoin Black Free Airdrop...$36 worth - use caution

By | Bitcoinz News | 20 May 2020

There is a new bitcoin in town, Bitcoin Black.

The whole thing looks like a big MLM type setup.  There is a lot of note about fair distribution on the website but they are giving away following bounties which makes us question the fair distribution and even the aim of the project.

"The top 10 people who share the free coin airdrop with the most friends will receive 180 000 000 coins each (USD value per person $1 800 000)
Positions 11-110 will receive 18 000 000 coins each (USD value per person $180 000)," according to their website.

For those who get registered will get on the airdrop list for $36 worth Bitcoin Black (approximately 3600 free coins).  

We are using an alternative email which we don't use regularly just to get the free bounty.  We leave it up to you what you want to do.

If you do decide to go for the airdrop - you can use this link (it is a referral code, why not).

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