Crazy assent

By CryptoArch | BATman00 | 15 Jan 2020

The Bitcoin continues a very fast progression in this January 15, 2020 having exceeded $9,100 this morning, growth started since the beginning of 2020.

This jump of more than 4.7% these last few hours and more than 18% since the beginning of the year don't stop making talk of Bitcoin.


Bitcoin doubled in value last year but is still far from the level reached in July 2019 with a rate of 12,931 dollars for 1 BTC.

But this crazy launch will lead to massive purchases of Bitcoin and record valuations as in 2017 at more than 19,000 dollars?


The latest “halving” will reinforce to the most optimistic positions on the Bitcoin price in 2020, namely a Bitcoin court exceeding $50,000.

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