Improving the quality of sleep

By Bala | Bala | 25 Sep 2024

Quality of sleep is essential for every individual. Everybody heals during sleep. Most of the repair work happens during sleep. This is one of the reasons why this repair work shouldn't be interrupted for various reasons. Getting good sleep quality is important for the body to stay energetic and ready for the next day.

Hitting the bed early

The first way to stimulate good quality sleep is by hitting the bed early. Many research have proved that becoming a morning person is very good for health and that hitting the bed early and getting a good quality sleep helps. Having a good routine of sleeping early and waking up early is very good. Some research says that night sleep can never be compensated with daytime sleep even if we sleep for more hours.


Breathing exercise for good sleep

When I had anxiety issues, I tried this. Every day when I wake up in the morning and before bed, I do some basic breathing exercises. I just do deep inhale with both nostrils and exhale with both nostrils and focus on my breathing for some time. This helped me a lot and it relaxed me a lot. It provided an amazing result and I suggested this to others who had anxiety issues and they also found it helpful.

Turn down the lights

We are in a generation where night lights are heavy. We have many gadgets around us that can keep us distracted. Even if we are very sleepy, we cannot sleep without watching a video or playing a game on our mobile. Reducing the exposure to light is very important to trigger good sleep. Some people have the practice of reducing the lights in the house as the time nears the sleeping time. This way the mind also gets ready to have a good quality sleep.


Less water before sleep

Waking up in the middle of the night is not very good. People can have the habit of drinking water at regular intervals. In that case, drinking water way before sleep is good. I mean there should at least be a gap of 1 to 2 hours without water before going to bed. This way we can pee before going to sleep and not wake up in the middle of the night to pee. I made the mistake of drinking a lot of water before going to bed and I used to wake up multiple times during the middle of the night to pee which would disturb the quality of sleep.

More carbs before sleep

I have read about this and I have also listened to this in one of the medical lectures. They say that having a high-carb diet can be very helpful before sleep. For people who are traveling the next day or for people who have busy things to do the next day, having a carb diet will help in reducing the thought process going on in the mind. The mind will relax and focus on sleep alone instead of worrying about the next day's work. I don't know if this works but I'm interested in giving this a try if I have any travel plans the next day.

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