Sky Battles

By Axeman | Ruslan Bolgov Photography | 20 Jun 2019


Very fresh shot just from yesterday. After very hot day it is very often comes some rainy stormy front by evening time, just not for long, but very often with squall and lightning. Yesterday was actually very short rain, so was able to get few shot of the drama around.
Shot from the roof of tall building and you can see partially port of Klaipeda and moving ferry, while at the right and far away Klaipeda old city

Enjoy the scenery!


Category - Landscape

Camera - Canon 5D Mark II / Canon 17-35mm f/2.8L / LEE filters

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Photography - a passion of Life

Ruslan Bolgov Photography
Ruslan Bolgov Photography

A blog all about my photography as a passion of life

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