I am someone who likes to try delicious food every day because for me it is a pleasure to get to eat, well I have several stages that I enjoy in terms of my taste in food.
One of the stages in addition to eating is preparing the food which is called cooking, let's say it like that and one of the things that I enjoy when I am cooking is to put music depending on the mood I have, I choose a piece of particular music that is very moved for example if I am trying to cook food that is very seasoned, that is to say, that it has a lot of spicy oregano because I like to eat spicy too, and one of the things that I really like to eat a lot is this shrimp with lemon sauce because the truth is a delight.
I prepare them by putting them first removing the shell that they have and the black vein that is in the middle, then I pass them through a layer of salt I have made them with a little vinegar and I let them rest in a dash of vinegar which previously I have added chopped onion, I have added pieces of chopped parsley and pieces of garlic, I leave that there in the vinegar to marinate for an hour, then I grab and crush the shrimp with a little oregano but powder oregano, if I also have a little basil because I try to put them to wrap them in basil leaves and then those shrimp, I put them in the oven for 30 minutes so that they are golden on top.
When they come out when I take them out, let them cool for 10 or 15 minutes, and then I roast them with olive oil, and I pass to add the lemon sauce that the preparation of the lemon sauce is very simple:
For the lemon sauce, I cut a little parsley a little basil, and 4 or 5 garlic heads depending on the amount of sauce you want to prepare, or that I add more or less garlic if I am going to prepare more sauce, because I add more amount of garlic so that it yields more of the sauce, and is more concentrated. Then I crush the garlic well and add a touch of vegetable oil, in this case, olive oil, and a little red pepper, ok I have made it if possible if I have the juice of a little purple onion juice and I also grab and of course, I have made the lemon the previously
squeezed and the shell of a lemon, that if it is possible this is the most yellow possible.
Then ray is the ray of the shell of one or two lemons, all this truth I put in a blender in a food processor, I liquefy it and then I pass this prepared, I strain it in a small strainer or if you do not have a strainer you can use a kitchen cloth that is clean, and the solid waste remains there, and we already have our lemon sauce!
Then once we have our lemon sauce and we already have the shrimp wrapped in basil leaves, we simply open the shrimp from the basil leaf, add the lemon sauce and we can serve it accompanied with rice whole rice, or you can accompany it with whatever you want! with a salad that can be spaghetti, you can add pineapple, etc.
There are many combinations that can be tried with this and well it is something very tasty, and this is the reason why I prepare shrimp with lemon sauce because it is something that makes me feel great!, it makes me feel very good and something very rich that I enjoy a lot, and I come to share this with you.
I hope you enjoy it and have a very nice Thursday!
Image of shrimps via unsplash.com courtesy of Yeh Xintong