Nano Nano Not so Fast  where the honest price discovery and Hard Matching Buy/Sell?

Nano Nano, would Mork from Ork be proud? Not really, Delegated PoS = Representative Voting with lots of hack attack surfaces

If Mork was around to read recent posts on Nano in publish0x, he'd probably gag, Mindy I am not so sure..

Robin Williams, brilliant comedian, missed by many.

Given Robin Williams, RIP  was one smart dude, and could figure out whether nano was worthy ;)


Nano Nano not so fast...

To me  the recent discussion about Nano is a "pooling of PoS", pooled staking from many stakeholders designed to create a single 'centralized' representative vote among other 'pooled interests, not unlike single member district representative voting in most political systems, which itself is deeply flawed with many security attack surfaces prone to corruption thru influence and collusion.

It's easy to poopoo PoW in the BTC context of excess energy consumption,

t's a grander more noble deed to look beyond that simplistic argument  and search around to find real innovation such as more energy efficient PoW algos out there,

ie- #IOTA is one of the more prominent energy efficient L1  Layer One Settlement PoW algorithms running on their #DAG Directed Acyclic Graph #Tangle aimed at the machine economy, with zero L1  transaction fees now running L2  Layer Two 'side-chains' that operate #EVM  'Ethereum Virtual Machine' Smart Contracts, where the L2 SC algorithm operates on its own  private PoW blockchain with L2 to L2 payments facilitated  at 'no charge' via the Tangle L1 distributed public ledger, where both L2 SCs can determine their own transaction fees, if any.

So nice try #Nano at re-spinning delegated PoS  as:


Open Representative Voting consensus


Sorry I'm not taking the bait. 


Nano's  pooled PoS design of Nano is clearly easily centralized, which is the exact opposite intent of BTC's original design which equals = lots of distributed nodes and harder to gain control of consensus as a nefarious player intent on doing harm(corrupting the network of settlement nodes) or stealing your hard store of value, etc...


Consenus. The noly choice for Crypto Settlement? Really?

Consensus  "Kumbaya' Nonsense? Consensus census, maybe it's senseless? - Enter Hard Match Engines?

That said, the real problem imo,  is the almost universal use of 'consensus' by most all crypto projects as the mechanism for settlement in crypto, when in fact 'hard deterministic' (last few tick) Match Engines are way more energy efficient and used every day @ scale in the world of fintech matching buyers and sellers efficiently.

Hard deterministic, 'last two tick' Matching of buyer to seller is and has been a much  better choice than consensus, a colleague of mine at Powerloom clearly has pointed out to me, several times. OK that "Hard Match" tech will work imo,  only IF a crypto project can design such hard match settlement networks to be distributed and secure and clear all transactions in sequence.  I will go on the record that 'Proof of Time' aka #Solana  #SOL is  imo one of the key elements required to solve this distributed hard match engine problem, or using some similar 'clock' tech  like,  a relatively new startup in the fintech world recently snapped up by TDS Ameritrade for use in  their big league settlement systems.

OK some crypto project  may solve energy efficiency of #PoW, like #IOTA,  but what about solving the real 'adjacent tough issue' which  is ensuring honest 'price discovery' with 'lose it all' penalties the likely solution?

Don't take the bait...

Honest Price Discovery, every Buy and Sell Position, Be honest or lose it all- a Transactional PoS + Proof of Time Fix for Crypto?

To me, innovative crypto projects need to be designing #DEX  Distributed Exchanges and Settlement System 'solution pairs',  which ensure  honest price discovery AND in the process, get rid of what is the 'hidden' naked short game, per transaction, where PoS is built in per transaction, -ie you cheat you lose it all.

TK Insight- (How shite really works in crypto big deals) Pull your buy or sell order at the last second (naked coverage, no regulations to stop this shite) after having manipulated either wall up or down to satisfy your Whale side bet criteria settled  wallet to wallet away from prying eyes. ;)

This hidden game of shorts is played out in crypto 'behind the scenes' every day, where the real speculative bets are played.

So a crypto project solving the above technology pairing challenge, to ensure honest price discovery with hard matching (that clears transactions in order when settled) and in the process, also getting rid of the hi-frequency powered algorithmic trading , WINS my vote, by effectively removing the current crypto Whale "Mafia Boss" shenanigans going on to "run the tables" in our current cryptosphere casino, daily. 

Whales rule the world of Crypto, for now...

Running the tables, for the record, involves 'Whale' use of hi-frequency AI/ML driven order routing systems operating on HPC Higher Performance Computing Data Center hardware,  working 24*7*365 to manipulate  the crypto buy and sell  'price position' walls with what are 'fake orders' across multiple crypto symbols. Get rid of this shite and then, as a crypto project, your team and community will have honest transparent markets in crypto and really  do have something most investors will flock to which is protect their hard stores of value "End2End",  a daunting task, which is not an easy distributed system to design, let alone program.

Like one of my recent readers pointed out, the i/o of fiat flowing into and out of crypto is really a lot like an STD, where the corrupt federal govt regime money printing  everywhere, regulated to favour big banks in various ways,  is simply 'crypto sponge' absorbed  into the cryptosphere via the stable-coins and other big fiat faucets like BTC and #ETH with a simple credit or debit card transfer,  serving the Whales as the Whales wish.

So not to pick on Nano,  generally, most all crypto projects today have been measured by me using the above criteria and have been found seriously wanting, as we, as crypto investors small and large, are  very much still waiting for honest price discovery and hard matched buy/sell transactions cleared in order features to show up to save the cryptosphere.

Chop chop crypto projects, time to get really innovative and,once and for all, solve the really hard problems no yet solved, to truly protect investors from that Fiat money printing STD currently poisoning the cryptosphere.

TK over and out. 






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Here I cover some key cryptos and related investor behaviours that matter, uncovering the 'logic' that move crypto markets and, occasionally on this blog, I also slice, dice and expose Big Wind Propaganda, and also offer up solutions, especially for Rotor Replacement. Burying old rotors is not an option!

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