Vitamin and Investor

By Alther | Alther | 30 Nov 2022

Vitamins are one type of nutrition needed by humans. To protect the health of the human body, vitamins have various types according to the properties they produce. Like vitamins, investors are the nutrients needed in the development of the world economy. As a supply provider in the movement that exists in every sector involved in it.


Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay 

In this case, investors can be said to be the backbone of an ongoing project. An injection of funds like nutrients that are injected into the human body to give strength to existing joints. In terms of economic development, every sector that exists within a body of a country or project can run well and consistently, also offset by the existence of injections from the presence of existing investors.

Vitamins and investors two-sided are equally important in their existence as a balancer and also a provider of energy so that people and existing projects can move. Vitamins are needed by humans as actors and also as a form of existence of existing investors. Humans without vitamins can be said to be like humans without nutrition and do not have good health, which in turn can have an adverse effect on the human condition itself. And projects that don't have good or strong investors can lead to weak progress of the project, which can be said to be able to continue.

An allegory of the current state of the economy. Many sectors have gone out of business and experienced significant recovery rates. And it is undeniable that everything has an impact on the condition of the investors returning so that the condition seems to be spinning without stopping but still requires a state of health conditions so that it can bring the souls of investors that can be expected. Not easy and not too difficult, like the human need for vitamins. Likewise for a project toward investors. The value that is the main subject is the same as the level of trust.

Humans believe vitamins can provide good benefits for themselves. And if a project can provide trust that can provide benefits, then wouldn't the results be the same as the condition for the level of trust? Because it will lead to a belief from the condition of existing beliefs. Where there is a word of trust, there will be a word of faith. And from the word faith, there will be togetherness, from the concept of togetherness there will be progress so that in the end a level of happiness can be achieved.


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