The Crypto Mind-set

By Alther | Alther | 30 Oct 2022


Not all cryptos are liked by everyone, because crypto is not created to be liked by everyone.

So choose crypto according to the purpose of the crypto it was created.

Not just because people like or don't like it.

Because if crypto is only created to be liked by everyone, then one-day crypto will run out of time.

Because that's the nature of the application of meaning just to be liked, not because of its usefulness.

Crypto is not about trending or something viral.

Crypto is more than those two words, where trend and viral are just decorations to complement the entertainment world and also the world of politics.

Crypto is not just for the young or the tech-savvy.

Crypto instead brings technology to the world community who do not know technology know what multi-purpose technology is.


Image by Mac Kenzie from Pixabay 

Crypto makes the world no boundary by race, ethnicity, religion, and country.

In fact, crypto is not created to make someone rich.

But crypto is created to be able to provide everyone's welfare.

Crypto was born as a struggle for independence in the form of currency.

Where there is no attachment to a legal entity that will bind.

Crypto exists in the midst of the weak condition of the existing economic system.

Where power holds the reins of power in the form of the economy that runs.

Commodities are like taking the rights of small people, while the Bank is clearly an institution.

Crypto does not take from the little people, but certainly can not be separated from the people who want to destroy and destroy it.

Because money is money, it has no characteristics, but diamonds, gold, and stocks are private.

Crypto is the opposite of the banking system.

Where centrality is the absence value of the decentralized form of crypto.

Crypto comes with a limited value reference, providing a form of limitation of limited human value.

If you still look at the unlimited it is better than the limited to current limit.

So it is clear that the damage is the same as parts like the previous currency.

Unlimited only to be pinned on the power that is actually unlimited.

Because it is only possessed by the nature of the reality of the greatness of the Lord of the worlds.

From crypto, we also know that money is not everything. Because everything is the human conscience in the world.


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