tezotopia top earners

Top Ten Earners On Tezotopia All Generating $90+ A Day

Courtesy of PurpleMatter.com, here are the Top 10 IDs on Tezotopia and what they generate daily as of now in XTZ:

landlord                        tops            hourlyTZ             dailyTZ

AINFTCreator                     911 12.7 304.84

jez                                         374 4.11 98.57

AlucardaCrypto                       226 3.09 74.19

Di3s                                      225 2.37 56.93

cpain                                     121 2.36 56.65

CypherPUNK                          154 2.34 56.05

Zara                                        260 2.25 53.91

Arden                                         263 2.22 53.36

Hersiant                                    132 2.13 51.02

webllinks                                  212 1.92 46.04


The ID ranked tenth brings in about 46 XTZ daily so that is $92ish a day if XTZ is at roughly $2 per XTZ.  This is just yield from the Tezotops.  There are many other ways to earn such as battles, Matterlight, staking, and the growing options for Yield Farming via Quipuswap

What Is Tezotopia?

What Is Matterlight?



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