Weekend Freebies Updates

Weekend Briefs: Faucets and Freebies Updates (12/20/22)

I'm a little behind in my weekly round-up of freebie updates due to the 'real life job,' but there was enough I found notable over the last few days that I still wanted to make a quick post here today to cover some of the highlights.

Disclaimer: this post contains some affiliate links which may give a small payout to the author and/or a bonus to new users who may choose to use apps or services mentioned. Please consider using these links to help support this blog series!

Two of my topics of interest this week came from right here on Publish0x! In addition to being able to earn crypto for reading and writing on this platform, I really appreciate the community that's developing here around the crypto industry. So I want to give proper credit to two of my favorite authors here on Publish0x for the tips below, and remind everyone to give a follow to the writers you enjoy on this site so that you don't miss out on any future opportunities:

Robinhood Launches Learn & Earn with AVAX

Cje95 wrote about the new Learn & Earn opportunity on Robinhood last week, with an opportunity to earn AVAX in your account. If you're familiar with the learning rewards offered by Coinbase, it's a very similar process. Check out the details in Cje95's post on how to sign up for Robinhood and claim your free AVAX. Hopefully we'll see more Learn & Earn offers from the platform soon!

Access Protocol Airdrop from CoinGecko

Also this week, diaperfinancingfund noticed that CoinGecko app users can use their in-app 'candies' to redeem rewards for an upcoming ACS airdrop. There's more detailed information in the original post about CoinGecko's Access Protocol Airdrop, and even if you're just signing up now, there's still time to earn enough 'candies' to qualify for the airdrop before the opportunity expires.

Earn Double on Rolls on FinalFaucet

Starting today, FinalFaucet is hosting a holiday event that includes earning double on both the Dutchy rolls and the coin-of-the-month rolls (this month's coin is Ripple) that goes through the 27th.

FinalFaucet Christmas Event

(Image source: autofaucet.dutchycorp.space)

Extra Payout from Brave Rewards?

I was surprised to get a notification from Uphold this week telling me I had gotten a second payout for my November BAT earnings. In previous months, Brave Rewards has started combining earnings from all devices into one payment per user, so I'm not sure where this second, smaller payment came from. Rollover corrections from previous months, perhaps?

Is Nodle On Its Way Out?

I haven't had a chance to write my review of the Nodle app, but over the last few days, many users (including myself) have reported that earnings have significantly slowed or stopped altogether after the latest update. Nodle's Twitter feed is fairly active, but I haven't seen any official response to the dozen or so complaints over the last few days about the earning deficit. I like the Nodle concept, so it would be a shame if this project isn't going to be what we hoped it would be.

Nodle earnings for one week.

(Image source: Nodle app earnings from this week, showing a sharp drop-off over the last two days.)


Anything else happen in regards to your faucets and freebies worth noting this week? Be sure to comment and let me know! Referral links encouraged!

NEW: I'm now on Torum! Feel free to give me a follow (@valdyr) to keep up on all of my crypto articles!

Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out www.laurahofford.com/blog/

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Entertainment Technology Specialist. Digital Marketer. Crypto-curious. Avid hiker. Beer aficianado. Blogger. Muralist. Dachshund mom. Opinions are my own. Read my personal blog at www.laurahofford.com/blog/

Airdrops, Giveaways, and Other Ways to Earn Crypto
Airdrops, Giveaways, and Other Ways to Earn Crypto

Do you ever imagine what it would have been like to get in on the ground floor of Bitcoin or Ethereum? While there's no way to ever accurately predict which altcoin might explode next, participating in various free giveaways of emerging tokens might be of interest to the speculative crypto enthusiast. Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. It's your responsibility to do extensive research and consult a professional before investing.

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