Robinhood Rolls Out a Crypto Surprise

By Cje95 | Chronic Illness and Crypto | 14 Dec 2022

It is not often that centralized crypto sources are able to catch me by surprise. Before any big announcements or releases, they have a tendency to really telegraph to the world that something is up and changing. That being said every once in a while it does occur and yesterday was that day. When doing my typical stock market lookover before I went to be I realized I had received a push notification from Robinhood announcing a new program offered by Robinhood the Crypto Learn and Earn Rewards.


This first Learn and Earn was over Avalanche (AVAX) which I will admit was a bit of a surprise to me. Much like how Coinbase gives you short lessons and then you answer a quiz Robinhood does the same thing except with Robinhood you are actually able to miss a question and still receive your award. For a whooping sixty seconds or so I spent I received $1 in AVAX which today at one point had gone up to $1.10.




While it is not a ton of money at the end of the day it is free money which I think everyone would love to have. Since Robinhood has built out a crypto learn and earn center it seems like they will be doing this going forward. The reasoning for this makes a ton of sense for Robinhood as last year they were making a ton of money with people trading Dogecoin (DOGE) and so trying to foster or encourage people to trade other cryptos on their platform would benefit them big-time. Given the cryptos that they currently have listed though it will be interesting to see what the next one could be. I think it is safe to say Bitcoin and Ethereum are off the table so maybe Chainlink (LINK) or Solana (SOL) could fit the mold that Avalanche has created. 


If you live in the US and do not have a Robinhood account sign up with my link here and when you link your bank account both of us will get to choose from a list of stocks and receive a dollar amount for free. Out of all of the different centralized crypto brokers I have dealt with Robinhood is actually one of my favorites because of how easy it is to not only purchase but also sell. If I want to send the crypto to another wallet it is easy to do and in some cases, you can use different chains (Polygon) to lower the already low cost. 


Please know I am not a financial advisor and make sure you do your own research! If you enjoyed this article and would like to support me further below are a few referral links that if you used when signing up I would appreciate it! Also, follow me on Twitter @Cje95_


Fold App

Offers daily wheel spins to win free sats daily! If you sign up for Fold with my link here you will get 5,000 sats for free!  



Robinhood is offering an excellent signup deal if you use my link here where we will both be awarded free stock. All that you have to do is sign up and connect your bank account for the award! With commission-free crypto trading and the ability to set limit orders, it is a great hybrid offering in my opinion! Not to forget the addition of wallets and the ability to send and receive crypto!


Unstoppable Domains

Sign up using my link here and get a free $10 credit towards your first $40+ purchase!

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Graduated from Texas A&M in May of 2020 had dabbled in crypto since 2017 but dove in at the end of 2019. December of 2020 packed up and moved to D.C.! Huge sports fan, space nerd, and international newsreader! Follow me on Twitter @Cje95_

Chronic Illness and Crypto
Chronic Illness and Crypto

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain are going to be a huge part of the future and no matter who tries it isn't going to be stopped! Here I try to give my best insight and thoughts into the latest crypto news, features, developments. Further, I look to discover any link to news from the United States ranging from social-political issues to stock market and economic data.

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