Crypto Discovery

Crypto Discovery

Helping you updated on the latest projects, info and news in the CryptoVerse. Happy reading! (May contain referral / affiliate links)

GeoDB: A hidden gem? 🤑 My 6month review + new Dapp released

4 Jul 2021 4 minute read 0 comments AetherCrypto

Its been awhile since my last post and alot has happened since then. With the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak not showing signs of slowing down and crypto recently has a huge 50-ish% dump, times like these really test the strongest of crypto enthusiasts....

GeoCash: Is it legit? (1 month Review)

11 Jan 2021 3 minute read 3 comments AetherCrypto

In my previous post, I've just started using an app called GeoCash which is for mining 'geo data', the first steps of GeoDB to democratize the Big Data industry. You can read more here: GeoCash: Earning GEO on the GO! I also mentioned I'm highly sce...

GeoCash: Earning GEO on the GO!

11 Dec 2020 3 minute read 9 comments AetherCrypto

While the price of Bitcoin is consolidating and alts are waiting on the side lines, I've recently started venturing into some new crypto projects that could be a game changer in the CryptoVerse Introducing GeoCash founded by GeoDB Blockchain Limited...