China's state blockchain platform has added support for 6 public blockchains

By Danyakot | a whole day of positivity | 11 Aug 2020

The Chinese Infrastructure blockchain platform (BSN) has launched an international version of the site and added support for six public blockchains. One of the goals of launching the portal is to attract developers from all over the world to the project.


Now BSN supports direct integration with the blockchains Ethereum, EOS, Nervos, Tezos, NEO and IRISnet. This allows third-party developers to create decentralized applications and remotely run them on the project's capacities.

Google and Amazon are listed as cloud solution providers, among others.

According to the website, BSN plans to launch a cross-chain communication hub based on Chainlink oracles in October this year.

The platform was launched by the state information center of China in April. Its goal is to simplify the process of launching blockchain applications and reduce costs. The BSN whitepaper says that the platform aims to become the "Internet of blockchains".

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