Get 8$ worth of FIO ($SAND) on Coinmarketcap earn [ANSWER]

By Zenna | Zenna | 14 Apr 2021

Impara e Guadagna FIO su Coinmarketcap
Ricompensa: 20 FIO [~ 8 $] (solo per le prime 6250 persone)


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Fai clic su "Inizia" e guarda i 4 video uno per uno, quindi risolvi il quiz.


What is the max supply of FIO tokens?
Ans: Copia la max supply da qui:

What is the FIO Protocol?
Ans: A service-layer solution that makes ....

What does the FIO Protocol replace the need for?
Ans: Long and complicated publ...

What can the FIO Protocol be used for?
Ans: All of the above.

The FIO Protocol enables…
Ans: All of the above.

What is the FIO Token used for?
Ans: All of the above.

What is a FIO Address?
Ans: A customized, unique human-read.....

FIO Domains such as @ domain...
Ans: All of the above.

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