Yield Farming Is The New Craze, But It Is Not For Everyone

Yield farming is the latest craze in the DeFi space. There is money to be made if you know what you are doing. Unfortunately, an increasing number of people who don't understand it are being drawn in by promises of it being a free money tree.

Right now -- if you have a solid understanding -- you could argue that it is, but the uninitiated should avoid altogether/ study up hard or they will get liquidated in short order.

Barely a day goes by these days without reading a sob story about a guy who got liquidated without a clear understanding about what he was getting himself into. I think services that offer users the ability to 'Yield Farm' should be obligated to make the risks much clearer to new users.

I also think people (experienced 'farmers') taking to Twitter/biz to brag about their gains should warn their followers that yield farming just isn't for everyone.

I think yield farming is great. If you have the process/formula all worked out. Go for it. Have a riot and enjoy the fruits of your farming labor.

The clue should really be in the 'farming' part of 'yield farming'. If you don't regularly tend to your crops, feed your livestock, you are going to go out of business (get liquidated) pretty fast.

Enough of me rattling on. I rattle on about it long enough in this video.

Hope you enjoy. 


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Crypto FROG
Crypto FROG

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