Find a paid job with Cryptocurrencies using Workingforbitcoins

By derwin25 | Worldinfo | 12 Jul 2019


Today, more and more we are the people who depend on income from remote jobs or online, and companies often hire professionals who are in other places. Cross-border payments within the traditional financial system are slow and, sometimes, problematic. Employers and job seekers can now use websites such as to pay and receive payments with cryptocurrencies.




The platform supports P2P payments between employers and independent workers

Workingforbitcoins is a new platform that connects companies with independent professionals. Employers can use it to hire people to buy coins and enthusiasts of cryptographers can find a job and receive payment in their favorite digital currency. Currently, five cryptocurrencies are supported: Bitcoin cash (BCH), Bitcoin Core (BTC), litecoin (LTC), ethereum (ETH) and a token called experiencecoin.

The website has a useful search feature that allows you to find job offers by keywords. You can also browse ads by categories such as Software Development, Marketing, Blockchain and Design. The latest encrypted payment jobs are also listed on the home page. Press Ctrl + F, type BCH and you can find the ones that are paid with bitcoin cash.

For example, the description of an advertisement says: "You need an article of approximately 500 words translated from French into English. The article deals with the qualities necessary to play chess well ". The author of the publication has set the budget for the project at 0.02 BCH (about $ 8 at the time of writing this article). Freelancers from the USA The United States, Canada, Norway, Nigeria, India and Iran have made 14 offers for the position.

Workingforbitcoins is free of commissions for freelancers who can look for work and also publish a summary of what they can do to live. For example, you can hire a translator with the nickname "red" who is a Swiss citizen who lives in Beijing and translates the blockchain related content from English, Chinese and German into French. The rate per hour of Network is 0.00403 BTC (approximately $ 32).

The payments between the two sides are made peer-to-peer. Employers are required to provide the address of the portfolio from which they intend to pay for the services of independent contracted workers. That is to verify if they have the funds for the task they wish to subcontract. Your cryptographic address is kept private. Job posters can initiate conversations with bidders using the platform's chat system.

The ecosystem of cryptocurrencies offers services to users every day, under the premise of winning with the use of cryptocurrencies, developers united by innovation are at the forefront of possibilities, with blockchain technology all users can offer services and generate wealth.

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