World Wide Stories
World Wide Stories

World Wide Stories

Interesting stories from all over the world!

The Forbidden Island You Can't Visit!

7 Jan 2021 3 minute read 14 comments Zirbo

Many places in the world are hard to get into, but if you really wanted to, you could probably travel there. Countries like North Korea and Turkmenistan are good examples of this, you can only go there after a lengthy visa process and then you have t...

The Three Decades Old Airline That Never Flew!

6 Jan 2021 3 minute read 1 comment Zirbo

Back in 1989, Igor Dmitrovsky filed the paperwork to incorporate an airline in the state of New York under the name Baltia Airlines. The airline was supposed to start flying from New York to Saint Petersburg in what was then still the Soviet Union. I...

The Corrupted Blood Incident - How a Virtual Pandemic Infected Millions!

5 Jan 2021 2 minute read 22 comments Zirbo

On September 13th 2005, a very infectious and deadly virus began spreading through the video game world of World of Warcraft. This wasn't a computer virus that infected your computer, but a literal virus on your computer that affected your game chara...

Why You Can't Drive From North America to South America

4 Jan 2021 3 minute read 1 comment Zirbo

While North America and South America are technically two different continents they are still connected by land to each other through the Isthmus of Panama. For thousands of years people have crossed the Isthmus of Panama between the two halves of Am...

North Korea's "Hotel of Doom"

3 Jan 2021 4 minute read 15 comments Zirbo

North Korea wants to be seen as the perfect country, but as we all know for the most part it's an impoverished communist dictatorship. Every once in a while though the government will splurge on some kind of mega project to proof that it can do the s...

How an Airliner was Stolen and Then Disappeared!

2 Jan 2021 3 minute read 1 comment Zirbo

Back in 2002, a South African businessman named Keith Erwin traveled to Miami to buy an airplane. He and his partners had secured a contract to deliver fuel to diamond mines in Angola, but at the time there was a civil war going on inside the country...

One Vacuum, Two Free Flights, One Terrible Mistake

30 Dec 2020 3 minute read 9 comments Zirbo

We all know that there are many small difference between British English and other forms of English across the world. We call them fries, they call them chips. We say cookies, they say biscuits. But what you might not know is that they don't use same...

The Deadliest Nuclear Accident That You've Never Heard Of!

27 Dec 2020 6 minute read 2 comments Zirbo

Central Russia, 1957 Villagers near the southern Ural mountains were terrified! In the middle of the night men claiming to be from the government had appeared out of nowhere. People were ordered to leave their homes, while the men went to work burnin...

The Lazarus Group - How North Korea Pulled off the Biggest Bank Heist in History

26 Dec 2020 6 minute read 9 comments Zirbo

When we talk about a bank heist, most of us think of people actually robbing a bank or of a team tunneling into a vault, but today that isn't necessarily the only way to pull of a heist. Back in 2016 a mysterious organization called the Lazarus Group...

The CIA's Secret Toy Factory in China

24 Dec 2020 4 minute read 10 comments Zirbo

When it comes to the secret world of espionage, nothing is really off the table, but every once in a while a plot comes along that is so bold and crazy, that it's hard to believe it's actually real! So how did the CIA come to operate a toy factory in...