Hello Friends in this Article I will talk about the CPI report and how it can work in your life. Will it be possible for you to take a negative and create a Big position and turn it Positive. I do believe we will be sharing this experience of Choice. We All carry our Own, and it is Ours to Harness and utilize not let be passed and hopeful. Hope is a Lesser Language and we Create by Our Language. So having a Knowledge of knowing makes Hope redundant and a poor choice of thoughts. So I Know the market sucks I know the report sucks but Choice tells me to embrace smile and Buy more for like all things in life there is a Definitive cycle. Knowing the cycle gives Peace to the Heart that leads to a Good Mind. Returning to a Good life regardless of a Paper written to fear people into making Bad choices. Everything in Life has a Abundance By Nature and that is the Cycle to be in right NOW. And All needs will be met by the Default of the process. So to my finances folks here are some numbers from last week let’s see what the CPI makes Fear control the market not investors and true companies but the people in the Market. Bitcoin was up 12.26% the Nasdaq gained 4.56% to 11635.31 our S&P was 1.94% higher and of course the Dow was up a hair of .77% at 31338.15 so almost a month ago the Fed raise rates and the mobbing club took Oil down in Many ways. So let’s see what July holds. Also a bump to anyone who wants it tomorrow is Ticker SBR dividend date .55 a share at market open it will drop .55 for payment. Good play of a quick $ .55 pick up 500 and it can bounce back and that’s $275. To some that is small money but do this 10 times and it’s a Green Day regardless of the market. One of my every nickel counts strategic works. There is always a dividend payment somewhere . Thanks again for sharing your time and energy and thoughts. May Abundance flow like water into your life. 🙏🕊🙏 and if you don’t have a Brokerage account here is a Link find me and connect I will share my portfolio things are getting good to purchase now more than ever. This is to show the CPI does not make a difference at all if your ahead of the games. And it just takes perspective of Clear Thinking 🤪

The Glorious CPI report and if more than 10 the opening to Future Gains is Good if One can Tolerate the Present Moment
By Wisdoms1 | Wisdoms Luminaries | 12 Jul 2022
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