Interview with OZ from Oliveland

Hey, fellow readers.

Today is Part 4 of interviewing founders from wax-projects. is a project where you buy Oliveland NFT's. Each NFT represents 1 sq of a 100% sustainable Olive tree farm in Cyprus.



So, like always, grab a cup of coffee, it's a long-read! Have fun.



1. Hey Oz, tell us a little about yourself. Why are you a farmer in the first place?

I have always been a mother nature enthusiast since forever. When I was a kid, where and whenever I saw an agricultural area I felt very impressed because I realized the food we consume in everyday life is coming from those holy parts of soil. A part of me always wanted to be somewhere around it. Like once Kemal Atatürk said; " The peasant is the master of the nation."

2. Is agriculture tough in such a hot place like Cyprus?

Agriculture is a physical workforce oriented job to perform in every place. Frankly it'd be much harder to farm somewhere cold :) As long as you have water, sun & soil, mother nature will give you the best of her if you look after her well. In history the Island of Cyprus had one of the best vineyards and best wine in the world. Olive itself is a native plant of Cyprus, like in Syria and Spain since human kind had used olive oil as fuel.

3. What is your relationship with nature? Because your project is 100% sustainable and top of the art.

As i mentioned in the first two questions; "In nature we trust."

4. With climate change etc Are you worried about the nature? Especially in Cyprus?

Climate change is one of the nightmares of our generation. Like everywhere, we see effects of climate change in Cyprus as well. We partake in the efforts of preventing the global climate change . In addition to these attempts, in order to fulfill our share we have been trying to install the latest tech equipment's such as AI-operated; weather control system, watering control system, soil quality control system etc.. Furthermore we will do our best to use the most eco-friendly materials and products.




5.. Did you ever expect your packs to sell out? Are you surprised by its success?

Yes. No.

(The first and second sale was sold out. The third sale is still running and you can buy packs here )


6. How much % of the success from Oliveland goes to SammySnake?

This is a very hard Question to answer. We have been all together in "SammySnake" community since the first day and this community is like a family and Sammy is the leader of this family. He takes care of many projects which were born in this family. Many people's dreams have come true because of him.

For me; most of our success goes to Sammy as he takes care of all the blockchain side of the project and lets me spend my time with constructional improvements.

7. Your project is the antidote of the Wax Blockchain. It’s long termed, zero hype, no flipping and a very loyal and patient community. How do you feel about it?

Wax blockchain is a very innovative and effective system, so we are very happy to be here and we will build our next projects on it. is a long-term business investment. The game part is a plus-plus to have some fun while awaiting the long term capital return. The community's understanding of the project and their patience motivates us even more.


The following screenshots are from the Discord Channel communit. You can join here

On you can plant your trees now and dig up prices.





8.. You are planting the trees soon. When will all trees be in the ground?

Planting of saplings in the Mediterranean region is planned depending on the precipitation and air temperature calendar in the autumn months. Planting of olive saplings can be done between October to February.

We planned the planting time for the last 10 days of October at the beginning. However we had to postpone it to start planting on November 25 at the earliest, since the rains have not started and the air temperature is still high. We will plant all trees at the end of November if it rains :) Estimated time for planting olive saplings is 1 week.

On the other hand, we will start planting our aromatic and honey plants other than olives in the second week of November. When ready, we will update all planting and harvesting calendars on the white paper and announce them on our social media accounts.

9.. What kind of profit for each NFT/sq do you expect in two years?

We will divide all the commercial income of the farm equally among the NFT's we have minted.

We will tokenize the profit of the farm annually. These profits will be distributed to the Nft holders equally.

10. When will be the last pack sale and what do you want to say to your community?

Last pack sale will be in December for Oliveland Garden 1. We are now working on 2. garden in Cyprus. Hope to announce it in November. 
I'm very happy to have amazing people in our community. I still feel like am in a dream establishing an ecological farm with more than 3k ppl around the world. We see this as a Agricultural DeFi Revolution ( ADFR ). We are very happy to be the only leading project with our amazing community.


Thank you for reading the article,

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Until next time, bye!



Summary of important links.

Where you can buy packs:

Join Discord

Oliveland Twitter

Digging up prizes with your NFT's

Whitepaper Whitepaper

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