Movie Review: The Road (2009)

By Hephaistos | Hephaistos | 16 Dec 2024


Hi Friends

I haven't been able to write a movie review post for a long time. Also, I can't say that I have watched many movies in this period, but if you're going to write a review about a movie you've watched, I don't think you should wait too long after watching it. For this reason, I wanted to write a review about the movie The Road, which I watched yesterday and has 7.2 IMDB rating. Warning, it may contain spoilers :)

If you like movies like me that are about life on Earth after the apocalypse due to natural disasters, climate change, nuclear weapons, etc., I recommend you watch this movie, but not strongly though. The movie was adapted from Cormac McCarthy's novel. The movie is about a father and his son surviving with a gun and two bullets after a disaster has affected the Earth. While a movie with such a plot has usually more action and science fiction, this movie is based on drama and slow going. I can say that there is no action except for a few scenes in the movie. Perhaps, this situation is related to the movie being adapted from a novel, but the movie always makes you wonder what will happen the next. Nothing grows on Earth, the color of the seas has changed, the weather is constantly overcast, the sun is almost invisible, fires break out. From the beginning to the end of the movie, we cannot understand why the Earth has become like that. There is an earthquake in one scene of the movie. Is it because of the earthquakes?



There is no need to discuss the acting of the main character of the movie, Viggo Mortensen. Since the movie is based on drama, in my opinion, the most touching and interesting scenes of the movie are the surviving people eating each other (this could be parents and children) in order not to die of starvation. The movie shows us that all human values ​​have completely lost their meaning in such a world. Many values ​​that mean something to us today may also lose their meaning tomorrow in a world that is under the threat of famine and drought. We should show the enough interest in the issue of climate change, which has become a hot topic in recent years, and protect our real home, the Earth, as much as we can.




I think more action scenes could have been added in the movie while the father and sonwere struggling to survive. It is unknown why the father and son go south to find the sea. They are looking for good people, but are good people must be nearby the sea? And, the sea is not like the sea we know. When they reach the sea, the father's illness gets worse and he loses his life, and there is another drama emphasised here. He wants his child to continue his struggle to survive and find good people. Again, after this scene, the child's struggle to survive could have been improved. However, instead, the movie ends with a bad-looking good man and his family coming to the beach and taking the child with them. The end of the movie could have been better.

If you can't find a movie or series to watch on these cold wintery days, you can watch this movie. I gave the movie 6 out of 10 (6/10) on IMDB. I hope I will write a review of the next movie I watch and share it with you here. Stay healthy, thank you for reading.2gsjgna1uruvGBHDnRaj2z6FsL6XEQR3pnqa26GnV8gykYixESv88UJdo1jAXNgE1MLWiDi2YX2DX51dVa1VoVHtci78MpL4s7J8C3eZg3bvmy8sEN.png?format=match&mode=fit

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