Recreation ⛵ on Volga

By valerianis | Valerian Kadyshev | 9 Jul 2022

Bathed in the rays of the sun, the Volga river is one of the symbols of Samara.


The river, with its cool water, never disappoints tourists who come here to enjoy a refreshing dip. For locals, it's a great way to chill when summer days get hotter.


BTW Volga is the longest river in Europe and the most significant waterway in the world—it flows for about 3,530 kilometers.


Some go there for fishing, some other build a seasonal shelter across the river to relax in comfort.


The photographs and prose are my own. Copyright (C) 2022 Valerian Kadyshev.

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From a heart of the vodka-land.

Valerian Kadyshev
Valerian Kadyshev

Original content produced by the author.

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