PipeFlare Token Staking Week 2 Update

PipeFlare Staking Week 2 - Twisted Slippers Crypto Journey

Join PipeFlare

Do you want free crypto? Join PipeFlare and get get daily ZEC and DOGE from the faucets and also free FLARE tokens. I appreciate every single one of you that takes a second and joins me over on PipeFlare, this is my affiliate link: https://pipeflare.io/r/2wd3

PipeFlare Staking Status and Transactions

My Flare Token Count: 8580.21
Total Staked Count:
Total Un-Staked Count: 2573.59

Staking Options Made:

  • 1,500 FLARE Tokens Staked in "No Lockup" on April 9th.  Current Value: 1,500.5
  • 1,500 FLARE Tokens Staked in "1 Months" on April 9th.  Current Value: 1,501.52
  • 1,500 FLARE Tokens Staked in "6 Months" on April 9th.  Current Value: 1,502.04
  • 1,500 FLARE Tokens Staked in "12 Months" on April 9th.  Current Value: 1,502.57

Total Staking Rewards (Interest): 6.63 (I'm projecting that this number will double if not triple next week) Stay Tuned ;)

The Plan This Week

I did not stake any new Tokens this past week, which is why my current un-staked is now at 2573 Tokens.  I originally wanted to stake again at 1000 tokens but I decide to become a supporter of PipeFlare.  Becoming a support gives you about 225 Tokens everyday on top of what tokens you can earn playing the games.  My favourite game right now is Beat Box, which is Brick Breaker but gives you crypto.

On Sunday (April 18th) I'll be stake all the tokens that I have currently unstaked and will continue to do so each Sunday after that.  

What's the end game here? I don't know.  What I do know is, I'm going to keep on building up my token amounts and maybe one day this token will be worth a penny or more (To the Moon!) but until then I am going to HODL

PipeFlare is a great place to get free ZCoin and DOGE every single day, right to your wallet!

Final Thoughts

I've played around with Crypto for a few years but never really jumped in with both feet.  I have always seen the future that crypto can hold for us all.  Something clicked earlier this month and I realized that I've got nothing to lose by just trying to have fun.  So that is what I'm going to continue doing.  I'm going to keep playing games on the WAX network, I'm going to keep playing games on PipeFlare and I'm going to keep staking TRX and what ever else I can get my hands on.

My Affiliate Links to earn Crypto:

PipeFlare, this is my affiliate link - https://pipeflare.io/r/2wd3
Browse the net and earn Bitcoin - Crypto Tab Browser
Earn Rewards With Your Phone! - https://coin.onelink.me/ePJg/6a73920d
Turn Gold Into Bitcoin - Virtual Farming
DSPToken Staking - DSP Token Staking
T2X Staking - T2X Token Staking

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Twisted Slippers Crypto Journey
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