Why Tron Energy Rental can reduce the gas fee of USDT transaction?

By Free67 | Tron Energy Rental | 5 Sep 2023

The USDT gas fee is so high in TRON Network. We need to be charged 13.74TRX or 27.6TRX as gas fee while we transfer TRC20-USDT. But it will not burn TRX as gas fee if you have enough TRON Energy and Bandwidth.

It consumes Bandwidth while you transfer TRX. It conusmes Energy and Bandwidth while you transfer TRX.

If the USDT receiver has USDT on the wallet address, your USDT transaction will consume 32,000 Energy and 345 Bandwidth. It will burn 13.3959 TRX as gas fee if you have no Energy to consume.

If the USDT receiver has no USDT on the wallet address, your USDT transaction will consume 64,895 Energy and 345 Bandwidth. It will burn 27.2559 TRX as gas fee if you don't have Energy to consume.

Now you have known that it will not burn TRX if you have enough Energy and Bandwidth.

How can I get Tron Energy
There are two ways to get Tron Energy, one is staking TRX on TRON Network, another is Tron Energy Rental. It need to stake 1,894 TRX to get 32,000 TRON Energy but you can borrow 32,000 TRON Energy with 3 TRX from Free67 Energy Rental.

What is Tron Energy Rental?
Tron Energy Rental platform stake lots of TRX on TRON Network and they own their Energy pool to rent TRON Energy for the USDT transactors. Before you transfer USDT, you can borrow Tron Energy from Free67. There are two periods to choose, one is 1 hour another is 24 hours.
You transfer TRX to the Free67 billing address, then it will send you TRON Energy in 6 seconds. By the way, just transfer TRX by yourselves, you don't need to approve anyting.

Let's check the images as following, one is the gas fee with Energy Rental, another is without Energy Rental.


The gas fee with Energy Rental
If you are interested in Energy Rental, you can search Free67 on Google. If you have any question on Energy Rental, you can contact with Free67.

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Free67 is a Tron Energy Rental platform for TRON community. We own Tron Energy pool to support our users to rent Tron Energy with the best price. Only 3 TRX,you can rent 32,000 Tron Energy from us and reduce the gas of TRC20-USDT transaction with Energy

Tron Energy Rental
Tron Energy Rental

You can learn knowledge about TRON Network and save your USDT transaction gas fee by Tron Energy Renatal.

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