By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 4 Mar 2021

HELLO, people of Publish0x!

This will be a quick post with quick notes on where we stand with Bitcoin now!

For starters, what do you think will happen to Bitcoin's Price from here?

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Pump it or Dump it?


If we Pump it then we would likely see the price targets of
$52k > $54k > $56k


If we Dump it then we would likely see the price targets of
$44k < $42k < $38k

trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum expert professional investment trader crypto cryptocurrency competition discord trevor trevorbalthrop

What a crazy time!
This is pretty much 50/50 where we go now with Bitcoin's current price of $48k USD.

What do you think will happen to Bitcoin's price from here?

Let everyone know in the comments section and stay safe everyone!

Good luck out there Investors!

My name is Trevor Balthrop and this is my signature and article!😬
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