By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 7 Mar 2021

HELLO, Dogecoiners of Publish0x!

My name is Trevor and today I wanted to share some quick Dogecoin gathering tips!

Yes, if we want to earn Dogecoin rather than purchase it.

This article will show us the way!

"Alrighty, Mr. Trevor, how do I earn more Dogecoin without buying?"

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My best recommendation on this list would be to use Cointiply!

Cointiply has both a website and a mobile app on your phone to take part in earning extra coins.

In order to start earning through Cointiple, we would just need to set up an account with them first.

Using my referral link you will get a nice bonus and multiplier for giving it a try!

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To cash out your Dogecoin (or Bitcoin if you prefer!) it will require you each 35,000 points which actually is very easy to achieve too.

The Surveys reward anywhere from 50 points to as much as 50,000 points for some of the longer ones.

That is not the only way to earn either!

Every hour Cointiply users can take a chance at winning more coins from their Faucet.

Those are easily the two main ways to earn but they offer tons of other ways to earn too!

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This next one from Fire Faucet is a great one too!

I highly recommend having good security and virus protection on your computer though.

Even though this site is good for getting payouts in things like Dogecoin, it does have some bad advertisers on there trying to spread malware.

Shame on them for doing that! But if you can manage this safely/easily I highly recommended giving it a try!

Earning coins is similar to Cointiply where you can do surveys, spin a faucet, and do things like PTC/shortlinks.

Then, of course, if we use my referral here we can get better rewards together!

Next on my list here are some Dogecoin-specific Faucets!

These Faucets are more-safe to use than Fire Faucet, however, it does take some dedication in order to cash out eventually.

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Simply set a reminder to claim your Dogecoin from the following Faucet websites.

Add your Dogecoin wallet address to these places and eventually with enough time and effort.

Those Dogecoins can be deposited right into your favorite place to store your Doge!

Those faucets are the following:


This was a quick article meant to point Dogecoiners in the right direction for some extra coin.

Hopefully, this has helped those of you who are like me right now getting as much Dogecoin as I can before it goes to the Moon!

Good luck and stay safe out their everyone!

My name is Trevor Balthrop and this is my signature and article!😬
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