HELLO, out in the world of Bitcoin!
My name is Trevor and today I answer the age-old question of...
"Is Bitcoin Real Money?"
Quick answer!
Yes, it most definitely is real money!
So to the non-believers out there with their very credible doubts.
The question we should really be asking here is,
"Why is Bitcoin real money?"
"What makes Bitcoin real?"
There is not a quick answer to these questions of course.
If I had to give it my best shot I would tell you this!
Bitcoin is a secure storage place for any currency around the globe that can convert into it!
This means Bitcoin is legitimately a store of wealth no different than a Safe or Lockbox filled with valuable things.
If someone loses their Lockbox or Safe, they also lose everything valuable that was inside with it.
In other words, Bitcoin is like your digital Safe or Lockbox with assets in it.
Now pretend your Safe has things in it like expensive jewelry, Gold, and a few thousand benjamins.
Since these things are inside of your Safe that technically makes your Safe extremely valuable!
Simply because your Safe has valuable things in it you possess.
The Safe itself becomes automatically valuable!
In the back of your mind, you know that this Safe will always be valuable as long as you can access it.
That's the same idea with Bitcoin!
Bitcoin may not be able to store your valuable things like Fine Art or your precious Gold.
(unless you like PaxG for Gold 😉)
Bitcoin is a "cryptocurrency" because it allows anyone to store their own country's currency within Bitcoin's system.
No different than purchasing Stock or an ETF!
Except with Bitcoin it never sleeps and any currency from all over the globe can be converted to it safely.
Now imagine the Safe you had again from earlier with everything in it.
Except for this time it has 1 Bitcoin in it too!
Now your Safe is worth everything it was before PLUS whatever the current price of Bitcoin is.
All you have to know is how to get into your Safe and how to withdraw your Bitcoin!
Just like you would anything else in your Safe, right?
"But Trevor! This is not real because it is Digital!"
Yeah, well? So are the numbers we see at the ATM machine when we go to pull our cash out!
Bitcoin is as real as the Internet is and there is no denying it.
How many people complain about their Internet not being real because it is Digital?
Quick answer for that is, NOBODY!
Bitcoin is VERY real, especially for those that hodl it 😎
Thank you for reading and/or watching!
My name is Trevor Balthrop this is my signature and article!😬
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