By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 17 Mar 2021

HELLO, out there in the world of Crypto!

My name is Trevor and today I want to take a look at how places like Presearch are changing the Big Tech industry!

"But Trevor! What about Google?"

What about them?

As an ex-Googler myself Google Certified and everything.

Even I have to admit that Google has got WAY too big for its britches.

They have long dominated the system of Searching Online in ways that have led to manipulation of results.

In addition to biased search results, they have long been known to invade the privacy of their users in exchange for selling data abroad!

NOT COOL GOOGLE! Not cool at all.

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With no way to hold these companies accountable for running their website like wealthy nutjobs with agendas.

The world is literally begging for a better alternative solution to places like Google!

"Where is that solution, Trevor? Tell us!"

As more and more people find out there is a gap in the market for things like this.

Places like Presearch will start to emerge from the ashes!

Presearch is a decentralized Search Engine aiming to help people replace sites like Google for tons of good reasons.

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That is a bold goal for Presearch to take on but with how things are looking on Presearch today.

This place could easily give Google a run for its money!


Other than being a Search Engine with better-tailored results, Presearch also backs up its claims by actually paying users to search.

When is the last time Google ever paid you for using their search results? NEVER!

Presearch is backed by its own Cryptocurrency called PRE tokens!

These tokens are awarded to users that sign-up with Presearch and start using their search results to find things online.

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If it doesn't replace Google it will most certainly work great alongside it finding things we aren't normally able to find in results!

These PRE tokens you are awarded each time you run a search, get credited to your Presearch account for holding.

By collecting these PRE Tokens with Presearch you gain the ability to do several different things with your Tokens!

- More PRE Token rewards for using Presearch Search Results
- Rewards for referring others to Presearch
- To reward those on Presearch who run Nodes
- Reward Advertisers who stake PRE for their Keywords

Presearch aims to be "A Better Search Engine" and will offer a lot more use cases for PRE Tokens as time goes on.

For now, these are the only ways Presearch PRE tokens can be used but since it is so early in the startup of this platform.

Getting a cut of our PRE tokens now and building up our portfolio is highly valuable in the long-term when this takes off!

"Will Presearch take off?"

As a promoter of Presearch now I must say, this new idea to a Better Search Engine has come at the perfect time!

As more and more cases build-up against Tech Giants like Google for being terrible to their users.

It is only a matter of time before things like Presearch start to slowly take over.

Less and less trust in our sources online has led tons of us to believe that we can't use places like Google anymore.

So with a decentralized and user-driven Search Engine like Presearch there is at least hope!

With Presearch jumping into the limelight here I could easily see them doing very well in the future here.

Presearch and their success is easily comparable to places like Brave's Browser!

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Although Brave is a Browser, and Presearch is a Search Engine.

It is easy to see how each of these serves its own purpose in putting Tech giants like Google in their places.

Brave has already sucked up a TON of the market influence in Browser related software!

Couple Presearch with the capabilities of Brave and we could be looking at an entirely new way people will be online later on in life.

I think I smell a really awesome partnership that needs to happen here.

Like with all things, if we do not adapt we cannot overcome!

Those laws of physics apply to everything including Search Engine dominant Google.

There are already signs of Google shuffling to try and figure out what is in their own future as the world starts to call them out for bad practices.

They have likely already heard about Presearch and are taking hard notes to see how things should be done instead.

The only problem Google has that Presearch doesn't?

True decentralization of their Search Engine!

Any Googler reading this (and I know you are, I can see it!) will have to come to terms with this fact.

Any Googler that can't come to terms with this is still living in a Tech Fantasy world.

So look out Google, you better act quickly with that Chainlink partnership!

After looking into Presearch, your downfall seems more inevitable now than ever.

My name is Trevor, thank you for reading, watching, tipping, and subscribing to my new channel!

My name is Trevor Balthrop this is my signature and article!😬

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Trevor Balthrop

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