Hello out there in the world of Crypto!
My name is Trevor and today I wanted to share with you one of my favorite charts.
(source: https://youtu.be/-6cf5NeFxa0 )
The Historical Monthly Chart for Bitcoin!
This is not your regular chart people!
I have shared this chart before but never made a video to help explain.
I wanted to show off this chart because it gives a different and insightful point of view into Bitcoin's Price behavior.
When most people hear the word "Charts" when it comes to trading or investing they picture a graph, right?
Like this one!
Whether you're new or experienced, these are the charts we end up spending the most time looking at.
On these charts, we can map out what we call "trends" and "patterns".
Doing this helps us choose when the best time to make a trade would be.
Knowing the charts and following the trends in your favor is what nets great traders and investors some very serious profits!
If you're a smart investor (or bored 🤷♂️) you know that you should always be looking for that next piece of cheese.
Well if you are running out of places to look, look no further!
I absolutely NEED to keep showing this chart to people.
I am dedicated to continuing to update it every month as time goes on.
Even throughout the bear market coming around the corner!
Now first!
Before I explain why this chart is so helpful I need to first explain how it came to be.
Basically, it is the origins of Bitcoin's Historical Monthly Chart.
Once upon a time...
Back in 2016 while scouring through the internets as a young hodler.
I came across a post on Twitter that was almost this exact same chart.
I completely forgot about it until 2019 going back through my old Twitter stuff.
What's even crazier, is that since reviving it, the original tweet has now been deleted.
It wasn't being updated anyways but still just thought it was kind of weird!
I stole it because I saw how beneficial it was for this mysterious Twitter person and their followers.
So I could NOT pass up the opportunity to quietly revive it myself.
I have looked EVERYWHERE for something similar to this view on Bitcoin's price.
As it turns out, creating it myself was the best way to go and now I want to share its helpfulness with the public!
"Well, come on now Trevor, you always do this! Tell us, why is this chart so great?"
For starters, I color-coded the chart to help visualize what's going on.
The chart shows the monthly price for Bitcoin dating all the way back to 2012.
For each month it shows Bitcoin's Open for the month and the Close for the month.
If the Closing price of Bitcoin is above the Opening price for the month, then the month ends Green.
In other words, that means the month ended positively with the price of Bitcoin increasing.
If the Closing price of Bitcoin is below the Opening price for the month, then that month ends in the Red.
In that case, the month ended negatively with the price of Bitcoin decreasing.
For each month I also include the ROI percentage or "Return on Investment" percentage.
Here is what is badass about this chart!
Without even taking into account the price of Bitcoin.
We can see that the ROI percentage is how much your money would be going up or down.
If we alone traded off of just this chart opening a trade at the start of every month.
We can make investment gains that will easily change our lives!
Even just looking at the chart and seeing the pattern with the colors we can gauge where things are currently standing.
Like this month for example!
And I probably should have shared this video earlier...
But as you can see, in April here Bitcoin opened at a price of $58500?????
Now if we pretend that today was April 1st and we were looking at this chart we could see that...
Hey! Look at that!
Bitcoin has had nearly SEVEN solid months in a row closing in the Green.
With this info, my senses tell me this won't last much longer and April could very well be the first month that flips Red.
If I am wrong and April turns out to be Green.
My senses will urge me more than ever that May will most likely end up being Red.
The patterns on the Historical Monthly Chart are far easier to notice and recognize.
For similar reasons, the point-of-view for this chart also helps us take a step back approach.
From this view, we can almost get a more realistic and less stressful view of Bitcoin's price action!
Anyone sitting on the sidelines could look at a chart like this and decide when they want to get some skin in the Bitcoin game.
In fact, a lot of the best most patient traders out there only make their trades on the 1st of every month.
Now fair warning!
I am not a financial expert so don't take any financial advice from me.
You should probably not be trading Margin or Leverage with charts like this!
You have to do whatever you need to do to put food on the table for yourself and your family first.
That is why I wanted to bring you this super helpful chart and announce that I will continue to update it.
I will be posting Bitcoin's Historical Monthly Chart here as well as a few other places like:
There are links to each one of these if you would like to stay up to date and give me a follow.
I hope sharing this chart with you has helped you with some of the short-term as well as long-term thinking surrounding Bitcoin.
This chart has helped me tremendously so I know it will definitely help others too!
Thanks so much for watching and/or reading and hope everyone has another BEAUTIFUL day of Crypto!