3 reasons you need to farm bitcoin trevor balthrop

3 Reasons Why YOU NEED FARM! - #DeFiFARMer

By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 16 Nov 2020

Hello Bitcoin junkies & aspiring FARMers!

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All the buzz around Publish0x seems to be around this thing called a FARM.

This FARM claims that it can help people like you & I who don't necessarily always have the time to get those sweet DeFi returns.

FARMing was created & led by the gracious teams working over at www.Harvest.finance which is amazing!

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These people have clearly put a lot of thought and hard work into bringing something like this to the public.

They have taken great advantage of the Decentralized Finance industry to bring us FARM tokens.

Now in cahoots with Publish0x, they have opted to give out hundreds of dollars in FARM tokens for participating in the #DeFiFARMer Contest.

If you haven't participated in the FARM contest yet for your chance to win some FARM.

Get on it quickly!

Publish0x extended the deadline through the weekend giving more people a chance to participate.

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You're not going to want to miss out on this band wagon that is FARM right now for many reasons.

Here are 3 very well thought out reasons why you need FARM:

1. Here To Stay

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Anyone that thinks that the DeFi boom made DeFi useless will be in for a huge wake up call in the coming months/years.

That is because places like Harvest.Finance have cleverly orchestrated projects like FARM to continuing paving the way.

So we know for a fact DeFi is not going anywhere the more everyone begins to understand how everything works.

DeFi will also have a few key players that emerge as wonderful new tools for investors to get their hands dirty with.

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If you haven't guessed what I was about to say buy now well here it goes!

Get ready to see investors get their hands REALLY dirty with FARM.

Harvesting on FARM is easily emerging as one of those key tools in the DeFi space similar to how Uniswap and Sushiswap made their rounds.

The difference this time is it won't cause a massive DeFi bubble like those other guys did.

Instead FARM is emerging after the fact and serves a different purpose for those looking to stake their assets.

2. It Works

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Nothing is worse than when you try out something daring & new only to find it difficult to use.

Or worse!

Trying something & getting absolutely no help with it only to fail miserably because one tiny thing is missing.

It happens to the best of us!

Well with FARM it appears to be as simple as showing up and throwing some hay in the back of a trailer.

Simple as that!

trevor balthrop bitcoin farmer hodler cryptocurrency blockchain

Well now... 

Maybe not quite like showing up for some physical labor but!

If you're familiar with DeFi and connecting wallets you will pick up becoming a FARM hand in no time.

There is of course risk like there is with anything on DeFi so it is important you be detailed as well as safe.

They have already been subject to a few minor attacks but thanks to their hard working FARM community.

They have managed to deflect those things they have control over while still providing a working project.

Good news for FARMers!

3. Affordable Gains

trevor balthrop bitcoin farmer hodler cryptocurrency blockchain

Anyone that has tried farming cryptocurrency recently has probably ran into some familiar hurdles.

One of those hurdles being that farming cryptocurrency changes drastically all the time and thanks to high gas fees.

Metaphorically speaking, it gets a little costly to keep your own tractors running!

So in order to reap more grains to get more gains.

Harvesters pooled their own resources together to create FARM.

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Now instead of people farming individually for all of these different tokens.

All of these people have joined together to create one giant pool of FARMers to make costs insanely more affordable.

Even more amazing, anyone else that wants to help FARMers but has no time to take part can now officially take part 24/7 without all the extra hassle.

While full-time FARM hands do their thing in DeFi land, people that participate in helping the FARM by depositing assets.

They essentially become a full-time FARM hand as well!

The only difference is that you can still work your normal job while gaining APY on assets being staked.

The gain is not as great as someone who practices farming techniques full-time.


It is, at the very least, a great place to get your foot in the door without missing out on the next best DeFi thing out in the market.

Thank you for reading!


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Trevor Balthrop
Trevor Balthrop

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