By SirGerardThe1st | Tokenomics | 3 May 2021

Pioneering is synonymous with cultural change.

The pioneer faces a double scenario: arriving first may mean keeping the best part of the change that he/she caused, but also, ¡those who arrive first can be eaten by the natives!


Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

History shows that the pioneers changed ways of thinking and acting that took many years, sometimes centuries of adoption, and that many thought would never change. But the most interesting thing is that not even the pioneers knew or imagined the magnitude of the change they were causing.


1) In the mid-nineteenth century, one of the great challenges for the industry was to get a cheap and abundant lighting system for homes. In those years, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but it would take decades for its use to become widespread. The most used material was whale oil, a raw material that, if it had not been replaced, would have caused the extinction of large cetaceans.

It was at that time that the United States began to study ‘rock oil’ (petroleum), which flowed naturally in some rivers in Pennsylvania. One of the best examples was Oil Creek, located in the town of Titusville. This river had several oil seeps, so its current used to be polluted, especially affecting the salt exploitations that existed in the area. One of the families affected was that of Samuel Kier, an American chemist who decided to start studying this strange oily compound that was highly flammable.

In mid-1858, a certain Drake devised a more ambitious strategy: to drill a well several meters deep similar to the existing salt wells. To do this, he built a wooden hut that protected the drilling and acquired a steam engine and a drilling rig. At that time, the rotor drill did not yet exist and it was necessary to strike the stone.

After thousands of incidents, working every day except Sunday until night, having run out of money several times, and about to abandon the project, one day they found the unmistakable aroma of crude oil that gushed out of the pipe in much greater quantities than the ones they had imagined. It had taken a year and a half, but they had succeeded. The first oil well in history was ready: the legendary oil rush could begin. Drake's well produced just over 30 barrels a day, which, at a price of $ 20, meant an income of $ 600 a day. A real fortune that soon had imitators. The slope on which the well was located had only trees and small bushes around it; a few years later there was nothing left. In its place "sprouted" thousands of wells in search of the long-awaited "black gold."


Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 

2) It is considered that electronics began with the vacuum diode invented by John Ambrose Fleming in 1904. The operation of this device is based on the Edison effect. Edison was the first to observe thermionic emission in 1883, by placing a sheet inside a bulb to prevent the blackening produced by the carbon filament in the glass ampoule. When the metal foil was positively polarized relative to the filament, a small current was produced between the filament and the foil. This fact occurred because the electrons of the atoms of the filament, upon receiving a large amount of energy in the form of heat, escaped from the attraction of the nucleus (thermionic emission) and, passing through the empty space inside the bulb, were attracted by the positive polarity of the foil.

The other big step was taken by Lee De Forest when he invented the triode in 1906. This device is basically like the vacuum diode, but a control grid was added between the cathode and the plate, in order to modify the cathode’s electronic cloud, thus varying the plate current. This was a very important step for the manufacture of the first sound amplifiers, radio receivers, televisions, etc.

But it was definitely with the transistor, which appeared at the hands of Bardeen and Brattain, from Bell Telephone, in 1948, that even greater miniaturization of devices such as radios were allowed. The junction transistor appeared somewhat later, in 1949. This is the device used today for most applications in electronics. Its advantages over valves are, among others: smaller size and fragility, higher energy efficiency, lower supply voltages, etc. The transistor does not work in a vacuum-like the valves, but in a solid-state semiconductor (silicon), which is why it does not need hundreds of volts of voltage to work.


Image by nanoslavic from Pixabay 

3) The invention of the computer cannot be attributed to just one person. Babbage is considered as the father of the branch of knowledge that will later be computation, but it will not be until much later that the first computer will be made as such. Another important founder in this process was Alan Turing, creator of a machine capable of calculating anything, and that he called "universal machine" or "Turing machine".

Another important case was that of ENIAC (Electronic Numeral Integrator and Calculator, created by two professors at the University of Pennsylvania in 1943, considered the grandfather of computers). It consisted of 18,000 vacuum tubes that filled an entire room.

For this reason, Harvard University designed the first electromechanical computer in 1944, with the help of IBM, named Mark I. It was about 15 meters long and 2.5 meters high, wrapped in a glass and stainless steel case. It had 760,000 parts, 800 kilometers of cables, and 420 control switches. It served for 16 years.

At the same time, in Germany, the Z1 and Z2, similar computer test models built by Konrad Zuse, had been developed, who completed his fully operational Z3 model, based on the binary system. It was smaller and cheaper to build than its American competitor.

The first modern computer appeared in the fall of 1968, as a prototype presented by Douglas Engelbart. It had for the first time a mouse or pointer, and a graphical user interface (GUI), forever changing the way users and computer systems would interact from then on.


Image by Jairo Murillo from Pixabay 

4) The world's first computer network was the ARPANET, created in 1968 by the United States Department of Defense. It served as a rapid platform for the exchange of information between educational and state institutions, probably for military purposes. This network was developed, updated, and eventually became the backbone of the Internet, already open to the general public, at least until 1990.

In August 1962, Licklider from MIT wrote a series of memoranda in which he described his "galactic network", imagining a set of globally interconnected computers, through which anyone could quickly access data and programs from anywhere. Licklider was director of DARPA's computer research program, which he had started in 1962.

Kleinrock of MIT published the first paper on packet switching theory in July 1961. In October 1972, Kahn organized a large demonstration of the ARPANET at the ICCC. It was the first public demonstration of this new networking technology. In 1972 a strange application called "email" was also introduced.

The original ARPANET became the Internet, based on the idea that there would be multiple independent networks with a rather arbitrary design, starting with the ARPANET as a pioneering packet-switched network, but soon to include satellite packet networks, terrestrial packet radio networks, and other networks. The Internet as we know it today has a fundamental underlying technical idea, which is the open architecture network. In this approach, the selection of network technology is not dictated by particular network architecture, but can be freely chosen by a provider and made to work with the other networks through a network meta-architecture.

A key concept of the Internet is that it was not designed just for an application, but as a general infrastructure in which new applications can be conceived, as the World Wide Web later became clear.


Image by Daniel Dino-Slofer from Pixabay 

5) On November 1, 2008, a person (or group of people), identified by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, sent a message to a cryptography mailing list describing a project to create a digital currency that would serve to account for and transfer value. This is how Bitcoin was born.

In late 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published a research article where he explained the fundamentals of bitcoin, a new digital currency based on open-source software and P2P technology. In the document, he included an email address through which he exchanged emails for two and a half years with the community that helped him develop it. The system was intended to eliminate banks from the economic equation, eliminate commissions, preserve privacy in transactions and facilitate micropayments between people.

Bitcoin is the crystallization of an old longing pursued by the cypherpunk movement since the 80s that found the solution in the Nakamoto protocol.

Satoshi Nakamoto was the first to mine bitcoins and could have in his account, according to the calculations that can be made by consulting the blockchain, around a million of them. But since he disappeared in 2011 he hasn't moved a penny. Something that has awakened all sorts of theories, since he lost the keys to his account until he has abandoned them so as not to give clues to his identity. What is clear is that he is someone who does not need them.

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

In January 2009, Hal Finney became the first recipient of a transaction on the Bitcoin network, which was sent by Satoshi Nakamoto himself.

Gavin Andresen became involved in product development for the Bitcoin market in 2010 and was declared by Satoshi Nakamoto as the lead developer of the reference implementation for the bitcoin software client after Satoshi Nakamoto had announced his departure.

Nick Szabo is recognized as the father of the “smart contract” concept.

Many say that any of these three people can be Satoshi Nakamoto.

Does it really matter to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is?


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Pioneers are more interested in the conceptual. They are not dazzled by the illusion of the old system of becoming a millionaire in the coming days, but by the passion of seeing their portfolios grow day by day with decimals of their currencies, the result of the actions they take when investing, storing, staking, farming or lending them.

It's like watching a tree grow, millimeters per day.

Pioneers are more interested in the seed than in the forest. They do not know where what they are inventing or helping to develop will end, as in the examples I cited at the beginning. But they don't feel like being millionaires. They just want to be pioneers.

If you are in the crypto sphere to get rich, get out as soon as possible because you are going to lose everything and you will end up saying, as the losers say, that this is a scam or a bubble and not a quantum leap in the history of mankind. Also, if you are obsessed with accumulating wealth to buy cars, yachts, and private planes, you are cannon fodder for scammers, who make money with guys like you.

Being a coiner is a cultural change right now, and a standard of living in the near future. It means abandoning the premises of the system that made 1% of the world's population have the same amount of money as the remaining 99%. If you want to get rich without working, go to the casino. The crypto-sphere is much more than wealth.


With that said, let's move on to today's two tokens.





Ranking CoinGecko #199


Can you imagine a world in which justice is done by smart contracts, removing corrupt judges, prosecutors, and law clerks?

Can you imagine a world in which voting is done in a totally clean and transparent way?

What role would politicians have in such a world?

Aragon is a Spanish business management solution based on the Ethereum blockchain. Its main objective is to promote the creation and management of autonomous decentralized organizations. It also has its own Aragon Network Token (ANT).

Aragon is a decentralized application on the Ethereum blockchain that allows anyone to create and manage a decentralized organization. It's kind of like a DAOs-as-a-service platform. The Aragon project is open source and led by the Aragon Foundation. The project's token is ANT, which grants voting rights to make decisions about the direction of future development.



The ANT token represents a part of the Aragon government granting voting rights on development proposals, giving greater voting power to whoever owns the most tokens. Its maximum supply is set at 30 million tokens.

On May 17, 2017, the Aragon Coin came out with its initial ICO offering. The new cryptocurrency reached a market capitalization of $ 24,750,000, equivalent to 275,000 Ethers in just 15 minutes. ANT, being an ERC-20 token, can be stored in any wallet compatible with Ethereum.

Aragon hopes to be a fully decentralized autonomous organization and dApp so that anyone can create an organization on the Blockchain.

Traditional companies are governed by budgets established for each sector or process. When transacting with other organizations they encounter fees, delays, and intermediaries, increasing friction in the overall economy. Aragon aims to eliminate this friction with decentralized organizations that operate on a shared platform.

Setting up and operating an organization on the Aragon blockchain is very simple.

Aragon has a module for the administration of the company. Other modules include shareholder voting, fundraising through token generation, onboarding HR and payroll, and accounts payable/receivable. Modules, which make up the majority of administrative functions required by a modern business or organization, can be individually activated and deactivated, allowing instant company customization.

The Aragon team anticipates that the Aragon Core software will be used for other activities, such as:

  • Electoral elections and national polls: Smart contracts could provide a prediction model that verifies whether elected officials adhere to their campaign promises and reward their supporters.
  • Payment to contractors: To independently pay individuals or even other companies as subcontractors.
  • Enhanced accounting and analytics: Add data visualization and layers of analysis on top of the accounting, identity, and voting information your organization generates.
  • Digital Jurisprudence: It aims to create a digital jurisdiction. In the same way that countries have jurisdiction over citizens when it comes to courts, Aragon wants to create the first digital law court. It would not initially operate within the boundaries of a country but would serve to help enforce digital contracts between platform organizations.

The non-profit open-source project team is made up of a group of professionals in the area. The members of the board of directors are Luis Cuende and Jorge Izquierdo.

Luis Cuende is the project leader. In 2011, he received the "Best European Programmer for Under-Age" award and received the 30 under 30 awards from Forbes. He is a young boy, but with leadership and technical skills. He has advised the Vice President of the European Commission and is an awardee of MIT Innovators Under 35. He has also founded several startups.


Jorge Izquierdo held the position of CTO at Unpatent, a company in which he remained for 2 years and 9 months. Furthermore, for 6 months he worked for Ermes Inc as Mobile Lead developing complex applications.

Aragon announced on January 11, 2021, the purchase of the Estonian-based company Dvote Labs Oü, which is in charge of the Vocdoni voting protocol. On this day Jorge Izquierdo announced his withdrawal from the project after members of the organization made decisions with which he does not agree.

Aragon explained some details about Vocdoni, indicating that it is a protocol "that aims to build the most secure and anonymous voting system using decentralized technologies. Vocdoni will offer a variety of governance solutions that can be adapted to both public and private organizations, such as companies, member associations, municipalities, public administrations, among others. Vocdoni's technology leverages zkSnarks to enable completely anonymous voting, IPFS, and libp2p for the availability of anti-censorship data and protocol communication, and a layer two, specific voting purpose blockchain called Vochain to account for ballots transparently.

Previously, the Vocdoni voting platform was used for the elections of the European cultural association Omnium Cultural, a process in which more than 180,000 members participated.

Vocdoni's CTO, Pau Esrich, said: “We couldn't be more excited to join forces with Aragon to bring decentralized governance to the masses. We live in the age of quantum computing and distributed ledger systems, but we still use the same governance systems like the ancient Greeks. Now, for the first time in human history, anyone can create an election without permission, and anyone can vote and verify the integrity of the voting process from their smartphone or laptop without having to trust any central party. The implications of this are hard to imagine. Voting should be a universal right, and the way to achieve it is by using open source and censorship-resistant technology. "

Tim Draper, the famous VC investor, and strategist, recognized for betting on many unknown startups that later became very successful, bought almost 1 million ANT tokens from the Aragon project. Draper joined the project after observing alive the operation of the virtual court created by Aragon on Ethereum. "I think the recent launch of the Aragon court and the realization that Aragon can be to governance what bitcoin (BTC) is to money, prompted Draper to join," Cuende noted. With the investment, Draper will serve on Aragon's advisory board.

For its founder, Luis Cuende, Aragon (ANT) is to governance what bitcoin (BTC) is to money.

The Aragon token (ERC-20) will have a maximum future issuance of 39,609,524 units, if Draper took 2.5%, then the exact amount of ANT in his possession is 990,238 tokens. The current number of tokens in circulation is 32,223,226, according to figures from CoinMarketCap.

Holders of 1,000 tokens can participate in the Aragon court and assist in the resolution of disputes between participants. The first court session occurred on February 10 in a mock trial against Ethereum Classic developer Yaz Khoury, something that was commented on by the programmer himself on his Twitter account.

Draper is a well-known venture investor and bitcoin enthusiast who has seen it as a disruptive technology for years. In November 2017 he indicated that Bitcoin is a social transformation and not a bubble.

Conclusion. If you ever had to participate in a vote using a governance token, you know what the true value of the so-called “democracy” means. Politicians live talking about democracy, but in practice, none acts according to the will of the voters, but rather they are dedicated to doing their dirty business, endorsed by corrupt judges and prosecutors who participate in the political party, enriching themselves illegally. With a project like Aragon, ordinary people can realize what a transparent vote and a fair trial mean, without corruption and eliminating the possibility of participation of the most powerful who twist the verdict in their favor. Aragon's proposal is disruptive: a community can put together a DAO with the Aragon protocol and make the voting of anything, the management of the companies of that community and the administration of justice for the members of the community, only depend on the interaction of a series of smart contracts that cannot be corrupted or influenced by those with more money. Is not it wonderful?





Ranking CoinGecko #95


Swissborg is basically a platform for trading crypto assets. With a very ingenious invention called the Smart Engine, Swissborg achieves the best price for a particular pair, poking around numerous exchanges, so that the trader gets the best possible price for the currency he/she is trying to trade, without having to search "by hand” in different exchanges, which implies a huge saving of time. It is something like what Harvest Finance or Yearn Finance does by automatically searching for the best pool to maximize yield farming, but in the case of Swissborg, what it does automatically is searching for the best price for a coin. One of the key features is that the Smart Engine creates fiat and crypto pairs that don't exist on any exchange, such as CHSB/CHF, saving the users precious time by allowing them to make these exchanges in just one tap. Exchanges generally do not let you store fiat money, and if they do, they leave you only in euros or dollars, while at SwissBorg you can store in 14 different currencies.

In March 2021, SwissBorg users made 1.5 million exchanges, with the median processing time being just 0.5 seconds, and the total exchange volume to date just hit $2 billion.


Source https://swissborg.com/

But Swissborg is much more than a smart price finder. It is a complete ecosystem based on meritocracy to develop a thriving community of collaborators who are committed to a project that grows a lot and in a sustained way. I feel that its vision is for the moment very "Europeanizing", but, as it has developed an international multicultural team to manage the platform, and there is the concept of DAO for its governance, I think that soon the ecosystem, which is really excellent, will take a more global view.

SwissBorg was founded in Switzerland as an investment hedge fund managed by DAO principles, with the idea of ​​eliminating time-consuming financial advisers and legal contracts when building an investment portfolio. The company created an application that is available for iOS and Android. Smart Engine takes the guesswork out of investing. By connecting to the Binance, HitBTC, LMAX and Kraken exchanges, Swissborg offers significant advantages:

  • Users can get the best liquidity and rates in seconds.
  • The application connects to multiple exchanges with a single account.
  • Users can execute their orders at the best market price.

The app supports 14 fiat currencies to make exclusive exchange pairs, including CHF, EUR, GBP, USD, BGN, SEK, RON, CZK, NOK, ILS, HKD, HUF, PLN and DKK. The banking system works with the instant SEPA network and faster payments, which makes a transaction as fast as possible.

As part of the platform, the Swissborg cryptocurrency was launched with the ticker CHSB.

Members of the SwissBorg community can participate and invest in the SwissBorg platform with the multi-use token CHSB based on the Ethereum blockchain. CHSB owners can stake the coin. In addition, they have the right to vote.



The SwissBorg token, CHSB, has experienced a meteoric rise in the last year, currently consolidating near recent all-time highs.

On 11th March 2021, CHSB hit an all-time high of $1.55, delivering an excellent return to early investors.

  • One-year return: 8,612%
  • Six-month return: 1,475%


Source https://swissborg.com/

SwissBorg offers the community the possibility that each member, in addition to benefiting from the best price of various exchanges, can contribute to the growth of the ecosystem, by holding CHSB.

The Swissborg ecosystem is made up of two applications: the Wealth App and the Community App, which arise from the fundamental vision of the company that is based on inclusion and merit. SwissBorg defines itself as a meritocracy, which means that every member of the community has equal opportunities to contribute and to evolve the SwissBorg ecosystem. The community is responsible for the direction taken by the platform through referendums. SwissBorg held the first blockchain referendum in 2018. The directors' vision is that together, the community can achieve a better financial system than the current one, in which each individual can be in control of their wealth without the need for expert financial intermediaries.

According to the team, this can be achieved thanks to Smart Engine technology, which connects multiple exchanges to provide the user with the best execution price. The Smart Engine is sometimes described as the Skyscanner 2.0 of the digital asset world. This technology analyzes hundreds of trading pairs to arrive at a complex and cutting-edge route for each trade. No human being would be able to calculate such a route.

The AI-backed market analysis added to the support of various fiat currencies (an amount that is continuously growing), the possibility of stake the CHSB token, and the access to commission-free trading, make Swissborg one of the platforms that most are currently being looked at to trade cryptocurrencies.

The Swissborg concept is that of "community", rather than "shareholders" or "employees". The source of inspiration is Bitcoin, where there is no CEO or marketing department.

The so-called CHSB Yield Program is very attractive. By linking the yield paid to the performance of the SwissBorg ecosystem, this yielding program will reward token holders in the long term.

Yielding is the ability to earn interest, or a yield, on your unused crypto balance. You simply put an amount of an eligible asset in your Smart Yield Wallet, and it will start earning a daily yield. By staking CHSB, users lock their tokens for a pre-defined period, reducing the available supply and increasing scarcity while enjoying Premium benefits.

The Yield wallets are also very advantageous. The first yield wallet, USDC Smart Yield, optimizes earning a yield on crypto assets with the goal of finding the best return for the lowest risk. In the three months since launch, the wallet has earned up to 32% p.a. The CHSB Yield Program is designed to reward CHSB token holders by tying the yield offered to the performance of the SwissBorg ecosystem. Every week the yield is calculated based on SwissBorg’s Community Index, which measures the ecosystem based on the price of CHSB, the level of activity in the apps, and the level of engagement on social media and in SwissBorg’s DAO. Currently, there are 38,816 users holding $ 292,506,565 in the CHSB Yield Program, and 18,155 users holding $ 54,851,163 in the USDC Smart Yield wallet.

A very interesting tool of the Wealth App, powered by AI, is the “free asset analysis” that gives investors the information they need to make smart investment decisions for every asset listed in the app. This free analysis suite includes:

  1. The CyBorg Predictor - A machine-learning algorithm that forecasts an asset’s movements for the next 24 hours
  2. SwissBorg Indicator - A market-trend indicator that combines popular technical indicators
  3. Community Sentiment - A sentiment indicator based on the number of app users buying or selling
  4. Support/Resistance - Current price levels between which a price is ranging, where a break could signal a new trend

Also in the app, there is a Portfolio Analytics tool. It’s a free portfolio analysis tool, featuring in-depth investment statistics in an easy-to-understand format. Portfolio Analytics shows Profit/Loss, fees paid, running account balance, and asset allocation.

Every user is able to stake 50,000 CHSB to Access “Premium benefits”, including 0% fees on BTC, CHSB, and stablecoins and 0.5% on all other assets. In 2020, Premium users have saved $ 9,788,833 in fees. However, what is even more interesting is the average amount of profit made by Premium users versus standard users. The average profit of a Premium user over the last year was 355%, while standard users made an average gain of 61%.


Source https://swissborg.com/

SwissBorg was developed by co-founders Cyrus Fazel and Anthony Lesoismier.

Cyrus Fazel is a great speaker and a very histrionic character, who dances on stage while speaking. He has a clear concept of what it means to have a "purpose." His speech is very inspiring, especially when it comes to the concept of “community”.



Conclusion. I have been using SwissBorg for almost a year now and it is very useful to me. I must confess that I was hooked from the start with the Community App and started playing betting on the price movements of BTC. It seems simple. You just have to say if BTC is going to go up or down in the next 24 hours. What? That there are many applications that do that? I tell you how SwissBorg is different. For each one that is added to the pool, $ 1 is added. Today the prize pool is $ 277,639 and is capped at a maximum of $ 500,000. The prize will be distributed in BTC according to a table provided by the app. With today's pool, the first place takes $ 16,658.34, the second place $ 5,552.78, and the third place $ 2,776.39. For the following positions, the prize is decreasing. The more people that join the SwissBorg Community App, the bigger the prize. Remember that SwissBorg has the possibility of having the best possible price among various exchanges. This is not a random lottery. This is a universe called "edutainment." You have to research, educate yourself and play every day. After 281 forecasts, with 56% correct answers, I have a ranking of 8,626 (out of 277,639 players), which makes me a creditor of $ 11.11. As you can see, I am very motivated to progress, as the first prize is very tempting. Along the way, achieving various “achievements” I was able to collect 350CHSB that at the moment I cannot use, until the competition is over, and 135,600 points that are used to bet on each prediction. In addition, those achievements earned me several badges, ¡and I am one step away from entering the Hall of Fame!

But the most important thing is everything I learned thanks to the Community App during these 281 days.

I asked to support several times about the end date of the competition, and they responded immediately and always the same, that they were going to tell me the date when the time came. This adds an extra quota of suspense. It doesn't help my anxiety, but it encourages me to learn a little more about the movements of the coin. If anyone wants to participate in the competition, download the app https://swissborg.com/ and use my referral link XCBW2NY to signup. For each player who joins my referral link, the system gives each of us 3,000 points, which are used to bet on each prediction.

As for the Wealth App, I must say that the asset prices are very good and I use it a lot to buy cryptocurrencies. If someone wants to get this app, it is available for Android and IOS and can do so with my referral link https://join.swissborg.com/r/gerardMQM3 

The Rewards Program gives users the opportunity to win between EUR1 and EUR100 in crypto by referring friends to use the SwissBorg app. When a referral deposits EUR50 or more, both me and the referral will get a ticket with a reward.

I really like the vibes of this ecosystem and I got really hooked on SwissBorg. I hope to do good business with the CHSB token within the near future. But you know, I'm one of those who really enjoy watching my “fortune” grow a few pennies every day.


As usual, none of the things written in this post are financial advice and are not intended to replace personal research.


Thank you for reading!


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Franchise & Brands veteran. Experienced business owner. I began with Bitcoin in 2011. I am maximalist of nothing. Ok, frankly speaking, I am maximalist of decentralization.


Tokens are the best coordination tool that the crypto-sphere has created. The tokenization of the economy allows us to forecast where future generations will allocate investments. It is a turning point, the birth of a new economic model that is absolutely inclusive and permissionless, and, best of all, without middlemen.

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