Theta Hackathon Video / Rendering Winner: TPLAY

Theta Hackathon Video / Rendering Winner: TPLAY

As you know Theta's Hackathon is complete and had a wide spectrum of topics groups could compete in:

  • AI
  • gaming or
  • video


The Winner in the Video / Rendering Sector is....TPLAY


What did TPLAY build?

TPLAY built a social network for sharing videos, since its built on Theta Network its a dynamic empowering ecosystem.  TPLAY allows user as well as AI generated content that can be entered in contents to win prizes.   Via Blockchain interactions such as smart contracts and TNT TPLAY Tokens allow you to enter contest, and win prizes.


TPLAY Tech breakdown

Their front end is built using Next.js while the backend was built using NestJS which is a JS Framework. TPLAY has Wallet connectors for Metamask and WalletConnect.


TPLAY Roadmap Revealed

  • Intro a more sophisticated AI tools for video creation and enhancement
  • Establishing a DAO where users can propose new features and vote on platform changes,
  • Develop and release a Video Studio Creator which will be a powerful tool that allows users to edit, enhance, and generate videos with ease, and transitioning to a fully decentralized storage solution, ensuring complete security, transparency, and user control over data.
  • There is a a truckload of great tech already and I expect great things from TPLAY ahead, stay tuned.


Yearning to learn about TPLAY? Check them out on DevPost


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Hackathons are great way to bring energy and new products to your product ecosystem and Theta has a very strong ecosystem. Just look at the level of expertise TPLAY brought to the 2024 hackathon, they have future ready experiences today and of course its built on Theta Edge services. Kudos to the team at TPLAY for developing a fully functional social network for sharing videos and for future developments.

Disclaimer - I am not an employee nor an agent of Theta Network nor of TPLAY, although both sound super exciting!

Credit - Blog Image goes to - all rights reserved! 

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

Currently learning about Crypto & DeFi to combat the Inflationary Tidal wave coming our way!

Theta Network basics in bite size pieces
Theta Network basics in bite size pieces

Theta a Next Generation Video delivery network that leverages the power of peer-peer network bandwidth sharing. You participate and help the network scale and increase security by sharing a % of your Internet bandwidth.

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