
Theta Hackathon Winner - Thetaform

Theta Hackathon Winner - Thetaform


Theta Hackathon 2024 is in the books and a Winner has been declared.

Thetaform is 2024's winner, their winning solution took 1st place across three different submission categories.  Their submission relies on Terraform which is an Infrastructure as Code (AKA IaC) offering. Terraform codifies APIs into declarative configuration files which are in turn transforming DevOps through Orchestration.  Thetaform leverages Terraform to automate and secure utilization of Theta EdgeCloud.  Put another way Thetaform unlocks Theta developers to:

  • Manage your collection of Theta videos as infrastructure resources in your Terraform scripts
  • Programmatically deploy AI model servers from a Theta library or your own Docker image(s)
  • Spin up/down Notebook servers from your Jenkins pipelines or GitHub actions

There are a lot of deep technical use cases in the Hackathon winning submission. To catch up on some of those use cases check out a few of my older blog posts that address some of these technology use cases.

Amazon AWS Blueprints available for Theta EdgeCloud

Theta EdgeCloud: Jupyter Notebook Support, Unlocking AI


What were the submission categories Thetaform Won in?

  • AI
  • Gaming 
  • Video


What else do we know about the Hackathon winner?

Igor Peric who is Director of AI Research and Development at Coretex AI.   Not being familiar with Coretex AI, I dug into their offering and they are a MLOps platform that leverages AI to make it fast and efficient. The first thing that comes to mind is the winning submission feels like a natural extension to their existing platform.

Powerful statement by Igor

ThetaForm - quote

What was the Hackathon winner prize?

I have not been able to find any details what exactly was won for this hackathon. I know from the 2020 Hackathon the winners received sizeable cash prizes. 


Curious about runner up Theta Hackathon Runner-up - ThetaAIM



The use of Terraform framework makes great logical sense for Theta EdgeCloud use cases. Seems like Igor has a firm grip on how to harness DevOps tools onto platforms of all sizes and shapes. I look for more great tech from Igor and Theta!


Disclaimer - I am not an employee nor an agent of Theta Network, although it sounds super exciting!

Credit - Blog Image goes to - all rights reserved! 

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

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