Women in tech

Tech-powered Women: Taking Over the World, One Byte at a Time.

By cryptosounds23 | The Rise of 'she' | 2 May 2023


When I first started my coaching practice all my intentions were governed by one thought: that all women should have the opportunity to be seen and heard. Thus, all my actions were geared toward creating a safe space where women could be informed about my vision and how I manifest it through empowerment coaching. To achieve that, I had to face many challenges, fight with self-doubt, learn, un-learn and re-learn so many things about being an entrepreneur and a women's coach.   Still, I didn’t stop there.


  woman life-coach      


That space I had crafted with so much love and empathy for disempowered women had to be more than an online coaching business.

It needed to be a space for learning and sharing where women could be informed, share their stories, acquire empowering skills and, ultimately, move forward with their lives fortified with a new sense of purpose.

Could I ever see this vision materialise without the help of digital technology? Certainly not. At least not with the same impact and at the same speed and range.


woman working on her laptop from home


Technology has been a great asset in helping me not only to build my online presence as an entrepreneur, but also to create a platform where born strong women can discover their potential and reinvent themselves feeling connected and supported.   Just like me, women have been paving their way through the world of technology and social media for a long time now, often in the face of great adversity.   From the early days of Ada Lovelace to today, women have been leveraging technology not only to create innovative solutions to the world’s problems but also for the empowerment of other women. Especially through the use of social media, women have been able to break down barriers and make their voices heard, advocating for their rights and for the rights of others.   Countless are the ways in which women are using technology and social media for empowerment.   Let's explore some of them!  


Networking and Support


One way digital technology empowers us is by creating global networks of support. Social media platforms provide a space where women can take part in discussions and share stories of resilience and strength that might otherwise have gone unheard.

Online communities and virtual groups have also helped women come together and join online campaigns that amplify their voices and drive social change.


disabled woman talking on her laptop


The Women’s March, for instance, has been using online platforms to spread awareness about issues that affect women around the world. From advocating for equal pay to fighting for reproductive rights, the Women’s March has been incredibly successful in bringing attention to these causes. 

Another example of women’s empowerment through social media is the #MeToo movement. Once a hashtag, it has now become a rallying call for women to stand up for their rights and for society to recognise their experiences.   It all started with a simple tweet from activist Tarana Burke in 2006 and it has since become a global phenomenon, with millions of women sharing their stories of sexual assault and connecting with others who have gone through similar struggles.


        woman doing the peace sign  


Being Better Informed


Women's issues have become an important part of the global conversation making it essential for both men and women to stay informed and educated on these topics. The power of technology and the internet have made us better informed about women’s issues worldwide.   There is now a wealth of websites available that provide up-to-date information and resources on a range of topics, from legal rights and health to lifestyle and self-development. These sites offer news and analysis to empower women, as well as providing support for those who have been affected by gender discrimination. 


   two women at a coffee shop working on their laptop          


U.N. Women

  U.N. Women is the U.N.’s entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women. This site provides information on gender equality and women’s empowerment, as well as news, events, and resources. It also provides information on U.N. Women’s work in different countries and regions. https://www.unwomen.org/en  


Women’s eNews

  Women’s eNews is an award-winning independent news organisation that provides information on a wide range of women’s issues. The site covers topics such as health, education, politics, reproductive rights, and more. https://womensenews.org/


National Organisation for Women

The National Organisation for Women is a feminist organisation that works to end gender-based discrimination and promote equality for women. The site provides information on the organisation’s work and campaigns, as well as resources and news. https://now.org/


Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

  The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom is an organisation that works to promote peace, justice, and non-violence. The site provides information on the organisation’s work and campaigns, as well as resources and news. https://wilpf.org/  




    Woman giving her business card      


Technology and social media have also enabled women to start and grow their own businesses. With the ability to create and promote their own businesses online, women create their own space in the business world and even become their own bosses.   This has given them the freedom and the power to pursue their dreams and make a living doing something they love. Through technology they can also connect online with other professionals around the globe and share their experiences and best practices. This, in turn, enables them to build their networks and gain visibility, leveling the playing field for women and creating new opportunities for them to reach their full potential.      


Young woman at her office checking her watch    


Girls Who Code

  Girls Who Code is an amazing organisation dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology and engineering. They offer free coding classes and clubs for girls in grades 6-12, and have an online community for people to share ideas and resources. By providing these opportunities, Girls Who Code helps to ensure that girls have the same chances to succeed in the tech world. Visit https://girlswhocode.com/ to learn more.  



  The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) is a great resource for anyone looking for information about women in tech. They offer research and resources on topics ranging from the gender gap in tech fields to how to recruit and retain women in tech roles. Their website also has a great blog with inspiring stories of women in tech. Visit https://www.ncwit.org/ to learn more.    


  two young women working in tech  



    Women no longer have an ‘if I can’ mindset. Now it’s more about ‘how I can’— be in tech, start something in tech, fund something in tech. That shift is exciting! And it happened because we created a network where we show, daily, that women are innovating. ⎯ Shaherose Charania



The Grace Hopper Celebration

  The Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) is the world’s largest gathering of women technologists. This conference brings together over 20,000 attendees for three days of inspiring talks, networking, and job-hunting. It’s a great way to meet other women in tech and find out what’s possible in the industry. Visit https://ghc.anitab.org/ to learn more.  


Women in Technology International

  Women in Technology International (WITI) is a global organisation dedicated to advancing the success of women in the tech industry. WITI provides resources, networking opportunities, and other support to help women reach their career goals. They also offer scholarships and internships for women in tech fields. Visit https://www.witi.com/ to learn more. 


    Woman at a tech company working on her laptop      


Code Like a Girl

  Code Like a Girl is a global community of women in tech. Their website provides resources and mentorship opportunities for aspiring tech professionals, along with articles and stories that celebrate the accomplishments of women in the tech industry. Visit https://codelikeagirl.org/ to learn more.      


Education and Training


    Finally, technology has also had a tremendous impact on women’s empowerment by providing access to education and training. Broadband connectivity has enabled online learning models to become more accessible, with the added benefits of technology and lower distribution costs, thus making it easier for women who may not have been able to access courses otherwise.      


woman doing online courses from home        


During the pandemic, women were particularly hard-hit. They were pulled out of the labor force in greater numbers than men, and altogether they lost more employment.   The International Labour Organisation claims that even after two years, they are still at risk of being left behind in a "gender-unequal" employment recovery.   However, the opportunity to meet this challenge is growing, according to new insights.   The Global Gender Gap Report 2022, using Coursera data, has identified encouraging trends in online learning which could lead to more gender equality in higher education and workforce development.   By making it easier for women students to access courses, encouraging more female students to pursue STEM disciplines, and connecting them with the skills and career opportunities that are in demand, online learning is reducing gender disparities in education and getting women ready for roles that are sought after in the digital economy.  


  The newly acquired skills and knowledge can be a valuable source of validation and confidence, empowering women to enter the workforce, pursue their career goals, and create the life they desire.


    three women smiling walking confidently      


The report indicates that the participation of female learners online has increased at a notable rate and is beginning to become closer to that of male learners in many countries. Even while the gender employment gap has grown, the proportion of women taking online courses has risen from 38% in 2019 to 45% in 2021.   The 2022 report also reveals that the gender gap in online enrolment is “substantially smaller” compared to traditional education, which is in line with previous studies which showed that women view online learning as more accessible than in-person education, citing factors such as mobility, safety, and family obligations.    


    mum working from home  


Inspiration and Guidance


Apart from offering access to online courses, technology can also help women to learn by joining online communities of life-long learners and participating in online academic forums and discussion boards. There, apart from resources, they can find much needed inspiration to hone the empowering skills and acquire further knowledge.   Finally, through the internet women can find the guidance they need to succeed in their academic, professional, and personal endeavours by connecting with mentors and coaches. Virtual one-on-one mentoring and coaching and text-based coaching can offer timely, unbiased guidance, be accessed at any time, and provide a safe, non-judgmental zone for women to find direction, reach their goals and enjoy a sense of accomplishment and pride.    


  Woman talking online with her coach      


Overall, digital technology and social media have been incredibly empowering since they contribute to promoting the inclusion and participation of women in society.   From making their voices heard and creating positive change to acquiring new skills and starting businesses, the role of technology in helping women create a world that is more equitable and just is invaluable.  


WATCH: Technology Empowering Women - How Technology Can Improve Economic Security for the World's Women.



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The Rise of 'she'
The Rise of 'she'

Tips, tricks, and wisdom for women to use in their journey to an empowered, successful, and self-determined life.

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