solario album artwork

Solarrio - Table for One

By Louky | The music focus | 6 May 2024

πŸ’” Solarrio Takes You on a Soulful Journey with "Table for One" πŸ’«πŸ½οΈ

Emerging artist Solarrio invites you to experience his latest single, "Table for One," a heartfelt ballad that delves deep into the realms of anticipation, disappointment, and the resilience of hope.


🌟 A Poignant Ballad: πŸ’”

"Table for One" narrates the tale of a date gone awry, painting a vivid picture of the protagonist sitting alone at a table, waiting in vain for someone who never arrives. It's a narrative wrapped in melody, capturing the whirlwind of emotions experienced in such a scenario.

🎡 Influences and Flair: 🎹

Recorded in Berlin and mastered at the famed Bakery in Los Angeles, "Table for One" draws inspiration from the likes of Hall & Oates and Phil Collins while infusing Solarrio's unique style. It's a timeless blend of balladry and personal flair, showcasing Solarrio's ability to channel raw emotion into his music.


πŸ’Ώ Debut Album on the Horizon: πŸŒ…

"Table for One" serves as a teaser for Solarrio's much-anticipated debut album, slated for release in June on all DSPs. This track offers listeners a glimpse into the soulful depths of Solarrio's musical persona, setting the stage for what promises to be an unforgettable musical journey.

From anticipation to disappointment, and ultimately, the resilience of hope, "Table for One" invites you to immerse yourself in Solarrio's world and experience the soul-stirring power of his music.


Spotify :

#Solarrio #TableForOne #SoulfulBallad #EmotionalJourney #DebutAlbum #MusicIsLife πŸŽΆπŸ’”

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