
Suggestion #2 to improve the Publish0x commenting system

Dear Publish0x devs,

I have been a happy member of the Publish0x community, and your regular improvements are well thought out and implemented. The latest migration to ETH for tipping is the best one yet! I realize there are a lot of important things planned over the next few months, but I would like to make a  suggestion.

There have been a number of times when I have run out of comments when I tried to communicate with other Publish0x members.

Daily Comment Limit Reached

I do understand that there are no limits on replying to comments on my own posts. Fellow author PVMihalache also suggested a workaround, where I can edit a previous comment that I have left. 

Unfortunately, neither of those options are ideal. Challenges arise when I would like to communicate with authors who have not commented on any of my posts previously, or when another author and I exchange multiple comments, no different from having a conversation.

I really enjoy reaching out to connect with others in the community that you helped create because it's vibrant and diverse! Can you incorporate a change to allow more daily comments in the future please?


Yours truly,

The Kragle


Cover art (cropped) by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

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Author ⌨ • Host of Blockchain Chat podcast 🎧📻⛓ • Early beta tester for NBA Top Shot & for NFL All Day 🏈 • Nine Lives Lounge member 🏀 • If I commented on your P0x post then you got a "like" and 100% of the tip! Twitter: @CryptoWordsmith

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