This is my favorite chart

【XVG / Verge】

Barge is an anonymous virtual currency that specializes in privacy protection. Barge is an anonymous virtual currency designed to protect your privacy, allowing you to transact instantly while protecting your personal information and making transactions untraceable. Barge is an anonymous virtual currency designed to protect your privacy.

The barge network offers world-class features that allow users to send and receive digital payments quickly, securely, and safely.

Barge networks offer world-class features that allow users to send and receive digital payments quickly, securely, and safely. ・ Mass issuance of currency, multi-algorithm mining, and other innovations to break away from centralized control.

WraithProtocol is a unique feature that allows users to switch between normal and anonymous communication.

Barge focuses on maintaining user privacy, and has implemented not only anonymous transactions, but also atomic swap, a means of exchanging currency between users without going through an exchange, and Visps, an anonymous P2P chat function between users.

The number of barges issued is large in order to suppress price fluctuations, assuming that they will be used as a means of actual payment. The number of barges issued is large to reduce price volatility, and the authentication speed is relatively fast for the same reason.

It can be purchased on Binance and other sites.

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グルスキー (gursky)
グルスキー (gursky)

Former securities dealer. The day trading profit of the stock is being invested in altcoin. If you have any Japanese people, please feel free to comment! 元証券ディーラーです。 株のデイトレ収益をアルトコイン投資にぶち込み中。 日本人の方がいらっしゃいましたらお気軽にコメントください!

The hottest chart for me look like this.
The hottest chart for me look like this.

Former securities dealer. 元証券ディーラーです。 The day trading profit of the stock is being invested in altcoin. 株のデイトレ収益をアルトコイン投資にぶち込み中。 If you find a hot chart, I will write it as an article! 自分好みのホットなチャートを見つけたらそれを記事にしていきます! I will also expose the limit price and position. 指値とかポジションも晒していきますよ。 If you have any Japanese people, please feel free to comment! 日本人の方がいらっしゃいましたらお気軽にコメントください!

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