04 - The Great Reset - The Scary Truth!!

By TheScholar | The Great Reset | 16 Oct 2021

Hi all,

If you haven't already, please read my previous post It is important:


In this post, I just want to elaborate on the idea that blockchain technology is basically the next level, decentralized, supereme surveillance system that is meant to keep humans under check. Facebook and the rest of the social media apps took part of your privacy, but, not all people use social media. Some people don't have FB, Twitter, Instagram, or any kind of social media. But imagine that you can have blockchains, interoperable, scalable, and trustless, that span every single human activity in the world, from money transactions, to social media, to emails. If you have a chance to put every single human facet and asset online, then we will all be completely naked in front of the powers that be. You can try, but you can never hide anymore.

The matrix is upon us.

If you are not ready to dodge the next bullet, it will be yours.


if you've never tried to check blockchain scanners before, please do. Here are some:

Bitcoin Scanner:


ETH Scanner:


XRP Scanner:


Just put your wallet address , or the hash of your last transaction , a block number, or a random address even, and if it exists , enjoy the information you find.


Operation "Blockchain" started with infesting people's brains with the idea that decentralization is going to allow us to break free from financial bondage. However, the reality is, blockchain is the tool that will put the leash around your nick and the shackles on your wrists! It will bring total enslavement for humanity with a digital bondage!


I wonder who would listen!!!


The blockchains that you know of now are the first generation blockchains. New generation blockchains are way more advanced and will not be used or seen by the human flock.  Only the elites will have access to it, and there you are just another human, that has a dashboard screen. Everything you do is monitored, and soon, your heartbeat will be monitored on the next gen. blockchain.



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With passion for science and technology, I strive to help others to gain another perspective.

The Great Reset
The Great Reset

This Blog is about the Great Reset. I dedicate every single awakening moment in my life to the ultimate truth. I will bring that for you in this Blog. Don't expect what you thought were facts to stay the same from now on. Let's start what I believe is going to change your life forever.

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